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Third fanart above by @MasitaconTe_ !!! Her drawings are really good, I can say with complete certainty that they are one of the things I appreciate most as a writer QwQ

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Third fanart above by @MasitaconTe_ !!! Her drawings are really good, I can say with complete certainty that they are one of the things I appreciate most as a writer QwQ. Who can say they are not a work of art?


Crescent's POV:

Since that night I tried in various ways to get information from my Father to be able to resolve my doubt about why my parents were separated and why I still couldn't meet Mom.

No matter how hard I tried, Dad only responded with the same thing: "Wait until you get a little bigger, okay?". Receiving the same answer everytime was completely disappointing but after insisting for a long time he at least gave in to telling me stories about my Mother. Having the opportunity to hear more about Mom would help me imagine his personality type and character in more detail, and maybe, just maybe, give me clues on how to find the answer to my questions more easily...

Time passed and I listened attentively to the stories of how Mom fought shoulder to shoulder with Dad, I couldn't help but get excited when I heard how respectable he could be, discovering how Mom rarely failed a mission and that's why my Father favored him so much.

I wanted to meet my Mother, I really wanted to but... What could I do to meet him being just a weak skeleton of almost 3 years old?

Going out on my own to go look for him would not be a good option, if even the outside world is dangerous for Dad, it would be even more so for me not having enough strength and magic to face an adult.

That is the reason why I chose to wait, I know what my Father is like and I am sure that the moment will come where he will let his guard down and I will be able to make him agree to let me meet him at the right moment. Just as I managed to make him give in to tell me stories about Mom, I am sure that at some point he would give in to letting me see him. I felt a little bad for thinking about taking advantage of Dad to achieve my goal but he himself has forced me to do it by not wanting to tell me anything until I'm older.

I waited, waited and waited, even thinking if it was better to try to change tactics because despite my great efforts, Dad remained firm with his decision.


Until that day came...

~Some time later~

I woke up a little late in the morning, seeing the time on the clock next to my bed I rushed to the bathroom immediately, if I managed to finish quickly I could get to say goodbye to Dad before he left for work.

I hated that things were so tall and big in the house, if everything was my size I wouldn't waste so much time on most things.

I had finished everything I had to do, the only thing left was to brush my teeth, a difficult challenge when you have a body that can barely reach the sink when standing on tiptoe.

With a feeling of defeat I walked away from the sink and started looking behind the door where I found a small wooden bench to place my feet on. That wooden bench was not placed there by chance, the reality is that you can find many of these throughout the house without any effort, for the simple fact that my uncle Dream got them so that Lux and I would not have so many problems with this kind of thing.

After brushing my teeth I left towards the living room in a hurry, I looked everywhere with some hope but when I noticed that there was no one in the place I could only look at the floor depressed. What did I expect to find? It was already 20 minutes past the time Dad was supposed to leave for work anyway...

I had the intention of going back to my room and locking myself in for a while to read a book until I remembered that I didn't see my uncle Dream or Lux when I got up. It was very strange that I didn't see or hear either of them when my uncle is always the first one up and Lux ​​must have woken up with all the noise I made finishing getting ready as quickly as possible.

I felt scared for a moment, all kinds of probabilities formed in my head, I have never been very good with loneliness and just thinking about it made me feel bad, I don't understand how I can be so mentally weak being the prince of nightmares. I had to find someone quickly if I didn't want to get carried away by my emotions, without wasting time I ran around the house until I saw a figure in the kitchen.

"Dad?!" I exclaimed, confused and surprised to see my Father standing calmly in the kitchen, with some papers and a cup of coffee in hand.

"Oh? You are up so early already?" He spoke, leaving the cup of coffee and the papers aside. "You could have sleep a little more if you wanted" he mentioned, approaching me with a smile and extending his arms and then picking me up.

"B-but aren't you supposed to be at work?" I asked still without understanding anything.

"Let's say I'll take a few weeks off" he answered, going to the dining room still with me in his arms.

"Oh really?!" I exclaimed excitedly "I'm not complaining, but why so suddenly?" Even though I was excited, I didn't want to be left wondering, I didn't remember any time where Dad took a break so suddenly.

"I'll get straight to the point...

Do you want to meet your Mother?"


So far today's chapter hoping you liked it!

I'm sorry it took me so long to post, but right now I'm taking exams and doing final projects to finish my first semester at university.

It is a relief to know that after a few weeks my long-awaited Christmas vacation begins, with more free time I will be able to think more calmly about how to continue the story and reach the long-awaited ending.

Thanks for the 35.7k views and 1.2k votes! Without your support I would not have come this far!

I want to remind you that English is not my first language and I use the translator and what i know about the language to make this version of my original book that is on my profile in Spanish, if you have been interested in the book and know how to read Spanish feel free to check it out.

Even though this is a translated version, I read each of your comments and take them into account. Remember, language is not a barrier, if you have any questions or concerns you can write to me privately and I will respond as quickly as I can.

With nothing more to say


1179 words.

Papa Nightmare? [Nightkiller] [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now