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"In short..." Dust murmured "You spent yesterday with the boy and he became so attached to you that he started calling you Mom?" he speaked doubtfully.

"That's all?" Red looked at Killer suspiciously.

"N0thing mor3 dram4tic beh1nd ev3rythIng?" Error asked, somewhat disappointed at not being able to enjoy more drama.

"Just that simple?" Cross said, adding something to the conversation for the first time.

"...Yeah?" Killer replied scratching the back of his neck.

"*Tsk* That takes away the fun" expressed the hatred in person with a bored face. Hate, as always, just wanted to see how the room was filled with chaos and destruction, he didn't understand how a misunderstanding that caused an epic battle ended in a simple and boring peaceful solution like that.

"So..." the skeleton with a broken skull interrupted "You and Nightmare didn't..." he uttered uncomfortably "You know..." he spoke between short pauses not wanting to finish the sentence, a little embarrassed.


The room became uncomfortable due to the long silence of the skeleton with black sockets and tears of the same color marked on his cheekbones, knowing how uncomfortable the question felt.

After several seconds that seemed like hours, he just shook his head, hiding the embarrassment he felt for the question. It was a bit difficult for him to respond with a simple "no" because he didn't want his voice to give him away. After all, he was lying when he said that he didn't sleep with the nightmare, he hoped that that answer would convince them for the moment.

Some remained doubtful of the veracity of Killer's words but did not dare to investigate the matter further for reasonable reasons. (None of them wanted to end up like Rasp who after the fight with Killer was simply thrown into his Au in his Undyne's laboratory)

Killer may look like the most neutral and calm Sans of the Bad Guys but don't let his appearance fool you, the moment you underestimate him he will delight in seeing how that look full of confidence changes to one of total Terror, Pain and Suffering caused by his own hands. A perfect match for the feared King of Nightmares.

While everyone was arguing, Nightmare followed the assassin with his eyes hiding the manic smile that was etched on his face with his hand. Just thinking about how perfect and wonderful his Killer was, his expression changed drastically and the desire to possess him grew more and more, if he continued like this he would surely go crazy.

'You must control yourself Nightmare' He said to himself, shaking his head to eliminate all possessive thoughts 'Letting myself get carried away will only ruin things even more' he thought, returning to normal.

From that moment on everything was "peace and tranquility" so the meeting continued normally again.

~Several hours later~

"Could you let him go!?" Horror exclaimed angrily, trying with all his might to separate the little boy who was clinging to Killer without letting him go.

"No! Mommy can't leave!" Crescent responded in the same way with no intention of letting go of his mother.

"He's not even your real mom! Let him go!" Dust shouted helping Horror in the mission to get Crescent away from his brother.

"He's not your real brother either and yet no one has said anything!" Crescent returned the insult proudly, sticking his tongue out towards where Horror and Dust were standing.

The two brothers felt offended and just looked at Killer hoping that he would be on their side.

"Come on guys, he's just a child, don't look at him like that" he responded, stroking the little boy's head to provide him with security.

Crescent quickly accepted the caresses and hugged his mother happily, taking advantage of the fact that Killer couldn't see his face to return a murderous look at Dust and Horror with the message "I want to see how you dare to challenge me" causing a terrible shiver to pass through the backbone of the two brothers.

Killer, seeing the fear on his brothers' faces, looked at Crescent to see what was happening. The little boy just looked at him with an adorable smile, confusing the killer even more. Why did his brothers look so scared?

"I have to go Crescent, I can't stay here" Killer said, gently pushing the little boy's hands away.

"Can't you stay?" asked the little one sadly.

"I don't live in the castle and your father will surely be angry with me if I stay" the assassin commented in a weak voice, crouching down to Crescent's height. Now he was sure that this little guy was becoming his weakness.

"Daddy won't be angry, I promise" continued the insistent little boy.

"My room must be a mess, I wouldn't have a place to sleep comfortably" Killer continued saying more excuses to convince him.

"If Crescent wants you to stay, I don't see any problem" interrupted the nightmare by entering the conversation.

"But my room-"

"Your room is sparkling clean, I made sure it was kept clean with magic" Nightmare interrupted him mid-speaking.

"Won't you feel-"

"If Crescent is happy with you staying then so am I" The King of Nightmares interrupted again on purpose. How long could the killer continue to refuse?

"It will be unco-"

"It won't do you any good to make excuses that it will be uncomfortable" he interrupted again.

"Stop interrupting-"

"I won't stop interrupting you until you agree to stay" Nightmare smirked.

The assassin just looked at him defiantly with a pout because of how angry he was.

"Killer doesn't want to-" Horror and Dust tried to interrupt in unison to get their brother out of that uncomfortable situation, their words were cut off when they saw the bright and kind smile that their Boss had directed towards them.

At that moment the two brothers learned that their Boss's face looked darker when he acted friendly than when he expressed pure anger. Maybe this way they learn not to challenge Nightmare.

"*Sigh* Okay..." this caught the nightmare's and Crescent's full attention "I'll stay..." Killer stated, finally giving up, not wanting to argue any longer.

Crescent and Nightmare just looked at each other, proud of how their plan had worked.


So far today's chapter hoping you liked it!

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I am happy to see with my own eyes how more and more people read this book.

I want to remind you that English is not my first language and I use the translator and what i know about the language to make this version of my original book that is on my profile in Spanish, if you have been interested in the book and know how to read Spanish feel free to check it out.

Even though this is a translated version, I read each of your comments and take them into account. Remember, language is not a barrier, if you have any questions or concerns you can write to me privately and I will respond as quickly as I can.

With nothing more to say


1154 words.

Papa Nightmare? [Nightkiller] [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now