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We are already 4.5k my people!

I thank those who have always supported me since the beginning of this book, your support makes me want to cry of happiness.

I know, a lot of talk and little chap.

In order not to bore you, I leave you the next chapter below.

Those who do not know the Au of Chronicletale should watch the video that I left you above

Without more to say

Let's start!


Science was the first to enter the portal, excited by the content of those books in that huge library. If traveling through Aus would take him to libraries of that size, he wouldn't hesitate to quit his job as a scientist and spend long vacations traveling to find new books to read, he really was a complete nerd.

"H-hello?" A voice was heard coming from behind one of the shelves.

That well-known voice surprised the skeleton with glasses, taking a few steps back nervously.

"I-ink?" Science asked confused.

A figure stepped out from behind the shelf revealing its presence.

The librarian came out of hiding excited to learn that he had visitors after a long time, taking the scientist's hands and waving them vigorously in greeting

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The librarian came out of hiding excited to learn that he had visitors after a long time, taking the scientist's hands and waving them vigorously in greeting.

"You must be Science Sans!" The librarian spoke with a darker tone in his pupils, implying that he was very excited.

The librarian hadn't realized that he kept shaking his new visitor's bony hands, making him uncomfortable, until he noticed how he tried to escape from his grasp.

"I-I'm so sorry!" The librarian exclaimed, realizing his embarrassing mistake "I-I got too excited and I m-made you feel uncomfortable" he continued speaking, putting his hood back on and taking a few steps back.

"Y-you don't have to apologize, it was my mistake for acting that way um..." Science replied still confused and nervous.

"O-oh, S-sorry for not introducing myself" replied the librarian understanding the scientist's confusion "My name is Chronicle and I'm in charge of this library" he replied lowering his hood again.

"You are exactly as Error described you" the nightmare spoke, interrupting the conversation of the two skeletons, analyzing the appearance of the librarian "You look very similar to the painter..." he finished saying, remaining silent.

"I've been told many times" Nervous Chronicle replied 😅.

"You don't seem very surprised by our arrival" continued Nightmare formulating a guess as to why.

"I already knew you guys would come" replied the librarian, not very surprised by the words of the nightmare because he was expecting them to say something like that.

Science seemed confused by Nightmare's words, but if he thought about it he was right, how did he know they were coming? At no time did he see Error communicate with anyone or take out his phone.

"As I thought, this library is more wonderful than it seems" Nightmare answered showing a little smirk of satisfaction.

"What do you mean?" Asked Science, still not understanding anything about the situation.

"In this library all the information about this and many more multiverses is stored, including the past, present and future of all, even possible events that would happen depending on the decisions an individual made in the multiverse, each information is right here" Chronicle replied, completely resolving Nightmare's theory.

Science was amazed by the librarian's explanation, he was beginning to understand why an Au as interesting as this one was hidden. Knowing about the past and the future is a weapon that should not fall into the wrong hands, ending in thinking what Nightmare was going to do with this new discovery.

"Isn't it dangerous for you to tell this valuable information to one of the most feared Sans in the multiverse?" Nightmare asked, curious about the librarian's plans to tell him something like that.

"I know what your plans are... and depending on the decision you make, you may obtain peace or lose something precious to you, I trust that you will make the right decision!" replied Chronicle sympathetically.

Even though Chronicle's words weren't completely direct, Nightmare was able to understand them.

He had made up his mind and would not accept losing Killer because of his stupidity, knowing that by losing something precious he meant specifically him and the baby.

The place became silent, no one articulated any words, only looking at each other, making the scientist desperate.

"If you have to protect this library all the time, how do you have fun?" Asked Science breaking the silence, Nightmare also paid attention curious for the answer.

"It's true that I would like to see the outside by myself, but I know that being far from here is dangerous..." The librarian replied a little depressed "But don't worry! Reading books is interesting and recently a new shelf appeared with the name of fanfic, its content is very interesting!" spoked Chronicle excited to share his new hobby.

"Sounds interesting, do you think you could tell-" Science spoke, being interrupted.

"I recommend that you don't ask" Nightmare interrupted, looking seriously at the scientist "From what I've heard of Error, fanfic is a new world that when you enter it's hard to get out..." The nightmare continued speaking "I've never seen Error so traumatized hearing him talk about the fandom talking about fanfic of him being shipped with several Sans in the multiverse" Nightmare finished speaking feeling slight chills down his spine just thinking about it.

A small 'Tsk' could be heard from Chronicle who wanted to have someone else with whom to share his tastes about fanfic, seeing the nervous face of the scientist made him understand that it would be impossible 'Someday I will find a partner to talk about fanfic!' Chronicle told himself, filled with determination in his pupils.

"Isn't it time for you to tell me what I'm doing here?" Speaked Science looking directly at the nightmare, waiting to know that he would have to fulfill his part of the bargain.

A small smile formed on Nightmare's face.

"You have to find a magic capable of returning my memories and another that can hide Killer's pregnancy, if you can't find them within two weeks you better be prepared for the worst..., you will stay here until then" Nightmare replied with a sadistic smile.

"Wh-!?" Science couldn't finish speaking when he saw how Nightmare disappeared into a portal.

"..." Those two weeks would be very long days for Science...


So far today's chapter hoping you liked it!

Sorry for my delay, I had to put up with a few long days of school.

Thank you for reading, voting and commenting in this book! your support is what has brought me here

I want to remind you that English is not my first language and I use the translator to make this version of my original book that is on my profile in Spanish, if you have been interested in the book and know how to read Spanish feel free to check it out.

With nothing more to say


1175 words.

Papa Nightmare? [Nightkiller] [English Version]Where stories live. Discover now