Chapter One - MADMAX

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TW: harsh derogatory language


Astrid awoke to the sound of his alarm filling his otherwise silent bedroom. He reached blindly at his bedside table for a few seconds before hitting the clock, silencing it.

The boy went through his daily morning routine of showering first thing to properly wake him up and cleaning the previous day out of his hair, following this he dried himself and got dressed.

His outfit consisted of a colourful checkered flannel and an orange tee underneath. His put on his favourite jeans, they fit snugly and comfortably. He didn't bother to put on his shoes yet as he planned to skate to school anyway.

He sat styling his sandy, blonde-dyed hair a little into his signature half mullet, his hair wasn't long by any means but it sat comfortably in the middle parting he had.

Once he was ready he practically ran down the stairs and was met with the sweet aroma of Brötchen (rolls) and his dad's awful rendition of ABBA's Dancing Queen.

"Guten morgen papa" he greeted, laughing at his dad's behaviour.

(Good morning, dad)

"Oh! Du bist wach! Das hast du gehört, nicht wahr?" He exclaims, jumping.

(Oh! You're awake! You heard that didn't you?)

"Ja" Astrid responded laughing again.

He was still nervous about school but the longer rest had done him good and he was pretty much ready to face it now.

"Where's mom?" He asked, turning back to english.

"She's gone to the police department to start her new job there, that woman is always working I swear" his dad answers, tutting playfully at the last part.

Once Astrid finished his breakfast, he thanked his dad and grabbed his blades from the downstairs closet. They were plain black with graphic art scribbled on the sides.

These rollerblades were treasure to him, especially because of the Scorpions signatures across the side, he had gotten those during one of their tours through Germany in 1980. He hadn't even scratched them since, as the Scorpions were his favourite major rock band. It also helped that they were from his home country of course.

After saying bye to his dad, Astrid started skating down the street in the direction of the school, with Rock You Like A Hurricane playing through his walkman and his converse tucked into his bag.


About 10 minutes later, he reached the school grounds and within seconds of entering the car park, he could feel the bashful stares of high schoolers, it made him incredibly nervous.

His saving grace was the shiny blue Camaro that sped past him, almost crashing into him despite his bright clothing.

He had to halt to avoid getting hit and glared at the vehicle parking.

The glare fell however, when it's occupants stepped out, a young ginger girl and a beach blonde boy, covered head to toe in denim.

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