Chapter One - Suzie, Do You Copy?

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Smut warning: * the space between these will be smut *


Billy tapped his fingers against his wheel to his mixtape as he sat in his car, waiting impatiently for his secret boyfriend to come out of his house. He had honked his car horn multiple times and now he was debating just going straight into his room and dragging him out by his ear.

Finally, the boy in question stepped out of his door, avoiding his parents coddling and pushing past them to escape the house.

He jogged to the blue Camaro and hopped into the passenger seat with his lifeguard uniform in a bag on his lap, which he quickly moved into the backseat.

"Took you long enough, asshole" Billy commented and started driving.

"You were like 10 minutes early. Good morning to you too asshole" Astrid snarked.

The boys hair was still dyed blonde and he still had his signature half mullet, although the sides were cut shorter around his ears.

"You cut your hair" Billy stated.

Astrid checked himself in the mirror, "it was tickling my ears too much." Billy hummed in acknowledgment.

"You ready for your first day on the job, Scooter?" He smirked at him.

"I just hope to fucking god Karen Wheeler isn't there today. She looks at you like a fucking cougar, metaphotically and literally" Astrid scowled at his reflection at the thought of the woman.

"She's always there on my shifts, her and her cougar friends make a show of it each time." Billy tutted.

"At least try not to flirt with her this time? It's actually discusting" he begged.

"And what if I wanna see you squirm? You're cute when you're jealous" He earned himself a flick to the forehead.

"You won't if you know what's best for you"

Billy laughed at this, "You are adorable you know that, asshole?"

"Just shut up and drive, asshole"


"Ladies, they are coming down"

Karen looked up from her book to see the lifeguards, Heather and Adam, step down from their posts, she and all the other women knew who was coming out next.


On cue, the staff door opened and out stepped Billy, his skin glowing and hair styled to perfection.

The women gasped as another male lifeguard followed him out. Karen recognised him as Billy's (slightly less handsome) step-brother Astrid. She thought Billy had the better genes, obviously.

"We got some hot new blood too ladies" one of the women commented.

"Look at his jawline!" another gasped.

"Who is he?"

"Astrid Hargrove, Billy's step-brother I heard" Karen revealed to the ladies who ohh'd and ahhh'd at the two "Hargrove's".

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