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"No! get the kids out!"

"We're not fucking leaving you here!"


Agressive shaking stirred Astrid from his nightmare and the concerned face of his mother filled his vision.

"come on sweetie we've landed" she ushered him out if his seat and handed him his bags and such.

The boy rubbed his eyes with his flannel sleeve and stretched out his back muscles as he stood, feeling the satisfying crack of a few joints and the tension in his back disappeared. He sighed blissfully and nodded to her, accepting the luggage thrusted into his hands.

Upon leaving the plane and entering the airport, Astrid took in his surroundings.

Everything was bigger and flashier than in Germany, but he supposed that was down to it being America and EVERYTHING had to be bigger.

The young boy mindlessly followed his parents, who chatted happily like they were some kind of tourists. They led him outside to a bright yellow taxi van and started loading their luggage into the boot of the car.


He'd been here less than 10 minutes and he'd already learned something new about Americans.

They talk. A lot.

Astrid had barely entered the cab and the driver was already into a deep conversation with his father about cars.
His knee was bouncing due to nerves and he could feel his mother's sympathetic stare to his right. She could always see his anxiety from a mile away

He decided to tune them out so he put on his headphones, placed his favourite tape into his walkman and pressed play, relaxing as the intro to Heartbreaker by Pat Benetar filled his ears.

He didn't really pay any attention for the rest of the ride, the conversation between the driver and his dad eventually died down - after like 2 hours of car talk - his tapes had all pretty much played a few times each, but at least he had calmed down.

Eventually he fell asleep to another Pat Benetar song that came out the year before, he couldn't for the life of him remember it though as sleep took over him.


He next woke to his mother telling him that they had arrived, just in time for him to see the "Welcome To Hawkins" sign.

Before he knew it, they were parked and he was being instructed by his father to help his mother unload the van while he payed the driver.

Astrid exited the car and rounded the vehicle to where his mom was already opening the car boot.

"Can you take these boxes for me sweetie? The doors unlocked so just take them straight to your room, it's the room at the end of the hallway upstairs I think"

"Of course mum" he replied in a murmur.

The door was, in fact, unlocked and he nudged it open with his foot.

He carried the box up the stairs and to the instructed door, repeating the action of toeing it open.

His new room wasn't spectacular by any means, but with a bit of living in it could feel warmer, cozy even. He dumped the boxes on the bed and repeated the process until his new room was littered with old and new luggage.

His window was at the front of the house so he got a clear view of the street, of the nosy neighbours poking their heads out from between their curtains to scope out the new arrivals in Hawkins, Astrid could bet they didn't get many very often.

He spent the rest of the afternoon unpacking and organizing his room the way he wanted it.

He spent the rest of the afternoon unpacking and organizing his room the way he wanted it

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A/N: This would be his bedroom format. The window would be a hexagon shape, the walls would be grey, the bed would a red and white plaid pattern and the posters would be of his favourite rock artists.

His parents eventually called him down for dinner and he sat quietly eating the spaghetti his dad made for them.

Sofia was never really the cook of the house since she had a more demanding job as a police officer back in Germany, so his father, Friedrich, did most of the cooking and even taught Astrid to do so too.

Many people thought lowly of his father for it but the man never bat an eye at them, besides now they had a fresh start.

Thanking his dad for the meal, he offered to collect the dishes and wash them before bed. He layed in his sheets thinking about his future in Hawkins.

He was starting school tomorrow. He was afraid of people finding out about his secrets like they did back home, that they would make his life hell. He had no way of knowing anything.

And that, scared the fuck out if him.

A/N: Hiiii thanks for taking the time to read this, i've been thinking of doing this for a while and i'm happy to be finally doing it.

All comments and constructive criticism are appreiciated.

ily all xx

842 words

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