Chapter Seven - The Mind Flayer

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A/N: I decided to skip episode 7 "The Lost Sister" as it was entirely focused on Eleven and Kali, so we're starting up from episode 8 "The Mind Flayer"

TW: Domestic child abuse, homophobic language


"Astrid, Astrid, wake the fuck up dude!" Billy whisper yelled to the boy, he was having his second 'mini-seizure' of the evening as Billy decided on calling it.

It was hard to wake Astrid from these 'mini-seizures' but they didn't seem to hurt him anymore, only tire him. He wasn't convulsing as violently as he had the times before, instead he had his eyes closed and he was muttering incoherently every few seconds, it looked almost as if he was having a lucid dream.

When Astrid did awake, he shot up and clocked Billy in the face with his forehead.

"Ow! What the fuck man are you ok?" the American boy exclaimed, holding his sore nose.

Astrid didn't respond, he let out a shaky breath and side eyed him for a moment.

Billy frowned at him, "something wrong?" he asked.

Astrid looked out the window, "n-no sorry, just another seizure dream or whatever you wanna call them"

Astrid looked at his attire, "Are you going somewhere?" he asked, the rock music he was blaring made it a little hard to understand the words but he got the jist.

"I- uh, I have a date tonight"

Billy watched his eyes dim, if they can even do that, and he felt unexplainably guilty about it? This date was supposed to help him forget about his confusing thoughts concerning the boy, not amplify them!



"I can take you back to your place if you want? Or you can just stay here until I get back?" he tried to make eye contact.

Astrid didn't meet his eyes.

"No- no, no, no it's fiiine don't waste your time on me you might be late for your date" Astrid dismissed it with a scoff.

There was suddenly knocking on the door.

"What the fuck?" Billy whispered.

"Billy!" it was Susan.

"Shit my dad's home you gotta hide" Astrid rushed to his feet and Billy grabbed him and ushered him into his closet.

"Stay quiet, I beg you" he whispered.

"Just a little busy here Susan!" he called as he hurridly shut the closet door, the only light feeding in being from the crack in the door.

"Open the door, right now!" Neil yelled, Billy was panicking and took a deep breath to calm himself and opened the door to the devil.

"What's wrong?" He asked sharply.

"Why don't you tell us" Neil bit back with as much edge as he did.

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