Chapter Five - Dig Dug

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TW: Drug use, hospitalisation


Today was Saturday, finally, one week of school and Astrid already felt like he was going insane in Hawkins and he was greatly thankful for the break.

As he was getting ready for a (hopefully) relaxing day, he obviously didn't realise how hard he was brushing his teeth as his brush snapped right in half. He groaned and began with mouthwash instead.

He instinctively swallowed the mouthwash and cringed at himself for it.

"ew" he muttered to no one in particular.

The phone began ringing and as he was home alone, he gave into answering it, hair still wet from his shower.

"Hello?" He didn't however expect the voice at the other end of the line.

"Astrid, good, you better be ready i'm picking you up in ten minutes" without explaination he hung up and Astrid stood in silence for a moment.

He then began getting dressed, confused by the sudden appearance of Billy.

Before he knew it a familiar blue Camaro was pulling up at the side of the road, next to his house, he could see it from his front view window.

The boy rushed to get his shoes on and stumbled out the door, almost tripping over the doorway in the process.

Billy was chuckling when he got in the car.

"Shut the fuck up"

"Watch your tone, Scooter" he teased with a toothy grin behind those stupid (flattering), dull (expensive) shades.

Astrid elbowed his shoulder which was met with a flick to his forehead and Billy just kept glancing at him with that smarmy (gorgeous) smile. Astrid couldn't fight the endearing smile that crept up on his face.

"So where we off to Hargrove?" The shorter boy inquired. He was only an inch shorter than Billy (who was 5'10) but they looked about the same height from a distance.

"Saddler's Quarry, I gotta pick Maxine up in an hour so we can just smoke pot and shit"
came Billy's reply.

"What? Uh, I mean I don't smoke-"

"Relax, it don't hurt you, you should be honoured that i'm willing to share my stash" he lowered his sunglasses to give Astrid a look, who returned a flat one.

"Oh how gracious of you your highness" he bit back. Billy laughed.

"What I say about watching your tone, Scooter?" he chuckled.

Astrid rolled his eyes.

They pulled up to the quarry and Billy unearthed his stash from his dashboard and stepped out of the car, Astrid gawked at him, following him out the car and sitting on the hood of his Camaro.

"Shit you weren't joking, where did you even get this in Hawkins?!" Billy shot him an amused side glance.

"Apparantly having impeccable taste in music puts you in the good graces of Hawkins High's resident freak and drug dealer" it took a moment to click for Astrid.

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