Chapter Two - The Clownfish and The Anemone

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When Billy woke up, he was alone. His body was aching all over and his mouth and nose were burning.

The memories came flooding back to him. Getting ready to go to Astrid's place, something crashing into his car, being dragged by the ankle into the warehouse basment and that putrid beast he came face to face with.

He jumped to his feet upon realisation and sprinted to the stairs without a second thought.

He heard noises behind him but he didn't dare look back, he ran and ran despite his sore legs until he reached his jacked up car.

He flung himself into the driver's seat and hit the gas, skidding out of the driveway and out into the night.

He needed to warn Astrid. He needed to find a phone.

He hit the brakes on his car as he approached a telephone box and clambered out of the car, rushing to the box and swinging the door open.

He immediately dialed the number he had memorized so long ago and listened to the dial tone all the while watching the area for any signs of the upside down or the fleshy monster.

"Hello? Billy, is that you? Where are you! You're late as fuck!" came the angry voice.

He froze for a moment as the memories of what happened plagued his mind again. The lights in the booth flickered wildly before cutting out completely and the line fell dead.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no fucking bastard!" he hit the box with his fist in hopeless rage.

He stumbled out of the phone booth at the sound of distance footsteps.

He saw an outlining silhoette of a mob of people slowly moving his way.

"What do you want?" he called out, fear causing his voice to break.

The group didn't respond at first and only shuffled closer, but they were still hidden by the night. Billy felt himself trembling.

He quickly noticed the uneven ground beneath his feet and realised where he was, if the vines below him were anything to go by.

The upside down.

Shit, he was fucked. He was going to die here, that creature was going to come back and finish him off, then it would kill Max and Astrid and all the annoying little shits they hung out with.

"Hey, I said what do you want!?" he raised his voice, not knowing what else to do other than stall the inevitable.

"I said what do you want!?" he shouted at full volume as red lightning cracked overhead.

One of the figures stepped out before the rest and slowly sauntered up to him. Confident, cocky almost.

He gasped in shock when he made out the figures face. The same blue eyes he possessed stared back at him lifelessly, yet so full of emotion at the same time.

"To build" it said in a low, distorted voice.

"I want you to build"

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