Chapter Four - The Sauna Test

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"Rise and shine, Mr Holloway"

He watched from across the room, concealed by the shadows as its victims slowly awoke from their chemical-induced slumbers, only to find themselves tied up in the basement of Brimborne Steelworks. He paid no mind to their muffled whimpers, simply preferring to observe the man attempt to communicate with his also tied-up wife. Neither had the privilege of speaking as their mouths were bound by cloth rags.

Heather was the one to approach them, seeing it ironically appropriate. "Hi, daddy"

She removed the gag, allowing the man to plead. Billy shadowed her.

"Heather... sweetie... whatever this is whatever he's got you into, you don't have to do this. You can stop this..." Holloway glanced at him in fear and disgust as he said this.

She smirked, "There is no stopping it daddy, you'll see" with that, she moved from her crouched position to stand upright.

"No." he pleaded in disbelief.

Billy took a step forward and kneeled before Janet Holloway, she whimpered as he removed the gag.

"Heather! Please, Heather!" she sobbed.

Billy leaned in close, "Try not to move." he muttered softly.

"Heather! Heather!" her father shouted as they backed away, ready for the Flayer to do its work.

It growled and squelched as it sluggishly revealed itself from the dingy darkness, a cricket-like noise emanated from an unknown region of its figure.

"Jesus Christ" Tom stared back at it in horrified awe. It stomped its way into their view and snarled viscerally, intentionally taking its time to reap and harvest their fear out of pleasure.

They both began pleading and breathing heavily, begging for mercy. Tom began to scream but a quick tendril to the face cut off his cries, pumping him with its infection.

Janet screamed wildly and followed very shortly after, a fleshy appendage muffled her screams.

Billy and Heather watched in complicit silence.



Sofia and Joyce looked at each other, as if to say "Did you hear that too?"

The women turned around and see Jim groaning and shifting aimlessly around on the couch they had hauled him onto the night before.

Joyce walked over to him carrying a sick bucket, setting it down while coaxing Hopper as he regains consciousness.

"Careful, be careful" she warned, Hopper must have recognised her voice as he lets out a breathy "Joyce?" in response.

He almost immediately began choking and gagging on rising bile, prompting Joyce to offer him the sick bucket to puke into which he gladly does so.

"Ok, that's it, got it? Got it."

Once he finished, he spoke again, "How long have I been out?"

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