Chapter Three - The Case of the Missing Lifeguard

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A relieved sigh was released as Friedrich placed the last plate in the dish rack. He dried his hands and raked a hand through his hair.

A knock at the door caught his attention.

He left the kitchen and approached the door, whoever was on the other side knocked once again slightly firmer.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," he said loudly before swinging the door open.

"Hi! You must be Mr Wächter!" Billy greeted cheerily.

"Yes, I am. Who are you?" The older man responded, not used to such overfriendliness.

"Billy Hargrove, I'm a friend of Astrid's" His son's boyfriend smiled widely.

He was immediately on edge, he could tell this wasn't the same boy Astrid had described, his eyes were darker and his clothing was dirty and heavy like it had been wet.

"Well I'm afraid he isn't here" he went to shut the door but a foot wedged into the gap prevented it.

"Do you mind if I wait inside then?" Billy asked opening the door again.

"Get out of my house" Friedrich demanded, attempting to close the door again, but it was forced back with great strength.

"Oh no, I insist" Billy spoke.

Suddenly he grabbed Friedrich by the throat and pushed him into the wall.

He squeezed around his airway, attempting to suffocate him into unconsciousness.

The man grit his teeth and kicked his knee into the other's crotch, stunning him and opening a window of opportunity for him to throw him out of the way and run for the kitchen.

He made it through the doorway but he was yanked back by his collar and pulled into a chokehold.

In response, Friedrich pushed back against his attacker, slamming him into a glass cabinet, shattering it and forcing his grip to slacken.

He looked the boy up and down as quickly as he could, his veins were more black and his eyes dilated unnaturally when he glared at him.

Astrid was right, there was something wrong with this kid.

"He'll make you pay for that" he warned in a low, inhuman tone before charging at him.

He was knocked into the living room and the two of them crashed into the coffee table as they were sent to the floor.

Billy perched himself above his victim and started choking him out again, the man's struggle being ultimately futile.

Friedrich was gasping for air and trying to wrestle his way out but his attacker was much stronger than him and his strength was lessening by the second.

A loud smack resounded throughout the room and the grip on his throat disappeared.

Astrid stood above them with a saucepan in hand.

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