Chapter Six - The Spy

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When Astrid woke up, he could hear the soft beating of a heartbeat monitor and quiet arguing. He turned his head to face the commotion and saw the panicked faces of his parents, his mom was in a heated arguement with what looked to be a nurse or member of staff.

He tried to speak but his throat burned when he flexed his vocal chords.

"Ma'am this is a government hospital we can't discharge him unti-"

A large hand on his arm drew his attention.

Billy was looking at him with an unreadable expression, he muttered a "you're ok" to him.

"B-Bills..where?" the nickname rolled easily off his tongue but he struggled to vocalize so the question barely came out as a whisper.

"You're in a government hospital, don't you remember?" Billy asked him.

remember what?

Confusion was written across his face as he wasn't sure what he had to remember.

A gasp was followed by some footsteps and before he knew it he was surrounded by a mix of his parents, doctors and Billy.

"Sweetheart du bist in Ordnung! Wir hatten solche Angst!" his mother cried, his father gripped his free hand tightly.

(Sweetheart you're ok! We were so scared!)

The doctor with them requested he ask him some questions about last night, to which his parents stepped back and agreed to.

The doctor smiled down at him and sat in a chair beside the bed, "hey kiddo, my name is Doctor Owens and I just need to ask you a few questions about what happened last night, can you do that for me?" he explained.

Astrid gave weak nod.

"Ok to start off, do you know why you were brought in?" he questioned first.

Astrid paused a moment before shaking his head.

"Oh ok, do you remember anything from yesterday?" he nodded.

"Alright, can you explain what you can remember from yesterday for us kiddo? Take you time" Owens requested.

"I remember, waking up really late, home alone. And then Billy picked me up from my house and we went to the quarry." he paused a moment, sneaking a glance at Billy who nodded him on.

He guessed they already knew he had weed in him, they do these kind of tests with most patients.

"-and we smoked some weed together and hung out 'n stuff" he could feel his Mom's glare from across the room.

"-We picked up Billy's sister, step-sister, from the arcade and he drove us back to their house...and then I woke up here" he finished his story, looking down a little expecting disappointment from his parents.

"Is that it? Nothing else important you can recall?" Owens asked skeptically.

Astrid gave a sure nod.

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