Chapter Three - The Pollywog

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TW: Use of xenophobic slurs (directed towards Astrid), use of homophobic language and some sexist language too.


When Astrid opened his eyes the next morning, he was alone. His window was cracked open, so he figured that Billy had left early.

He got ready for the day, thinking about the conversation he had with Billy last night. He felt like Billy's walls were finally beginning to crack, as were his own.

He paused mid tooth-brushing as he suddenly remembered his own confession.

Astrid had come out to Billy Hargrove, popular, rule-breaker, womanizer Billy Hargrove. How could he be so stupid?!

He left his room in a hurry, barely greeting his dad as he snatched the waffles off the plate and rushed out the door, not even bothering to skate to school that day.
He proceeded to inhale his waffles as he anxiously paced the route to school, panicked thoughts running through his brain like traffic.

Billy said he didn't hate him, but what if he changed his mind? What if he was spreading his secret to all of his friends at this very moment? What if he gets beat and bullied and called a fag at school? What if someone tries to kill him? He'd heard stories of what happens to people like him.

In what feels like moments, he found himself storming across the parking lot and shouldering through the main doors.

The voice in his head told him that everyone was looking at him, even if they weren't.

He practically ripped his locker open and rummaged through it, checking for a note, something. He found nothing, so he took some clothes and slammed it shut, racing to his first class, Gym.

No one was in the locker room so he assumed they had all gotten changed already. He quickly got changed - dropping multiple things along the way - and walked into the Gym.

There he was. Squaring off with Steve Harrington, was the boy clouding his brain.

He and Billy held eye contact for a tense few seconds as he pushed against Harrington, muttering something to him before tripping him to the floor and dunking the ball into the hoop.

He felt like he couldn't breathe, not when Billy give him that predatory smile, the one that had most girls weak in the knees and most boys shaking with fear.

"You gonna stand there gawking or join in princess?" Billy sneered.

Astrid grit his teeth and reluctantly joined in, hating the fact that Billy intimidated him in this way. He wasn't scared of Billy before but now he knew his darkest secret, and he had the power to exploit it should he decide to.

He was placed on Steve's team and the match was a blur. Billy dominated the game, especially after the disappearance of the former king, that he hadn't even noticed until he came strolling back in looking completely done.

Occasionally, he would get the ball out of luck and Billy would take the opportunity to taunt him, very similar in the way he taunted Steve.

The game ended and to say they had their asses handed to them would be an understatement, and Billy wore a smug grin all the way to the locker room and continued to taunt Steve as they showered.

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