Chapter Eight - The Gate

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When they pulled up to the Wheeler's house, Astrid had a thought.

"How are we gonna get them to tell us where they are? To the Wheeler's we're just two random teenage boys."

Billy flashed his wolfish grin, "Leave that part to me Scooter"

Astrid had almost forgotten about that nickname, it felt comforting hearing it again, then he frowned upon realisation.

"You wanna flirt with a 40-something year old woman?" he gaped.

"...You gotta do what you gotta do Scoots" he didn't look to pleased either but stopped the engine and fixed his hair in the rearview mirror anyway.

"Scoots? That's the worst one yet" he groaned.

"You love it" Astrid hated that he was right.

"And if Mr Wheeler opens the door?" he added.

Billy side eyed him, "Then you play up the 'concerned best friend' schtick" the Cali boy stepped out if the car after that.

Astrid sat stunned for a few seconds before jumping out of the car and following him to the front door of the house.

He knocked on the door once and got no response, the lights were on so they knew someone was in.

Billy banged the door another couple times before a "hold on a second!" came from inside. The voice was feminine and upon hearing it, Billy shuffled Astrid just out of her immediate view.

The door quickly opened and Karen Wheeler stood in the doorway, barely clothed, with the only thing covering her being a short dressing gown. Astrid wanted to vomit at the way her eyes lit up upon seeing Billy at her door.

Billy stole a glance at him before speaking.

"Oh, hi." he flashed a fake as fuck grin at her and she practically melted like butter.

"Hi" she greeted, already flustered.

"I uh, didn't realise Nancy had a sister" Billy drawled and Astrid felt physically sick. She even chuckled and looked away bashfully, as if her husband wasn't like 4 meters away from her.

"What's so funny?"

She smirked and held up her ringless hand, wiggling her fingers as she said, "I'm Nancy's mother"

"No." Billy acted like he was in disbelief.


"Mrs Wheeler" he flirted coyly.

Thank god Nancy and Mike don't take after their mother.

He instinctively let out a soft sound of amusement and both heads by the door snapped towards him, fuck.

"Oh! I didn't see you there mister, what happened to your face?" her demeanour changed like the flick of a switch.

Well, he may as well play up this 'schtick' Billy told him he had.

"Oh, i'm sorry, didn't mean to frighten you Mrs Wheeler it's just uh our little sister Maxine has been missing all day and, I gotta be honest with you, we're worried sick ya know?" He let his voice crack the tiniest little bit to make it beliveable at the end.

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