Chapter Four - Will The Wise

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TW: xenophobic and homophobic language


"Max? What...happened?" that was what Astrid muttered looking up at the blurry mess of ginger hair above him.

He couldn't see or hear all that well and his eyes and ears felt like they were popping, in the same way your ears would pop when a plane gained or lost altitude.

He could hear the faint, panicked mutters and whispers but couldn't make sense of anything being said.

"He can't remember it guys!" Max whisper-yelled in worry. She didn't want to lie to him but Mike and the party made it clear they don't want to get him involved any more, especially Mike.

"Good. He shouldn't have known in the first place! Just tell him he passed out or something" Mike countered.

"I'm not lying to him" she disagreed sternly.

"Then you're out of the party"

"So i'm in the party now???" she snapped.

"Not if you tell him the truth about what just happened." Max fixed them all with a hard glare and grit her teeth.

"M-Max?" mumbled the teenager still disoriented in her arms.

"You, you passed out, we found you like this" she hated lying to him, it made her feel like she was betraying their new found friendship, but it was that or be kicked out, and admittedly she figured he would stay out of whatever was happening this way anyway.

"oh...well thanks Zoomer" he smiled gratefully and let her pull him up, despite her smaller size.

Upon standing he felt a wave of vertigo overcome him, but he brushed it off as dizziness.

"I think i'm gonna head home, I don't feel too great" he stumbled in his steps but didn't make a fuss over it.

Joyce, now walking Will to her car, noticed this and even if he had a car (which he didn't), she knew he wouldn't be able to drive home in that state.

Oh god, she'd been so caught up in Will that she forgot about the boy who looked like he was going through a seizure of some sort, now she felt awful about it.

"Will just wait in the car a sec sweetie ok?" the boy nodded noncommitantly and she rushed over to the mystery boy.

He jumped when a hand was placed on his shoulder, turning and seeing the very concerned face of a middle aged brunette woman.

"Excuse me dear, do you need a ride home? You don't look very well?" She looked at him with freat worry despite them not knowing each other.

Astrid wasn't really in the mood to reply so he just nodded meekly and accepted the offer.

Joyce smiled at him and led him to her car, where he climbed in to the backseat. He made eye contact with Will who was in the front seat and the boy looked surprised to see him but oddly distant otherwise.

The ride allowed his head to clear and his eyesight and hearing soon followed. The woman in the driver's seat, who had introduced herself as Joyce Byers when she started driving, asked him his address and he spent a moment remembering it before quickly reciting it to her to the best of his ability.

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