Chapter Two,

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hi boo baes!

     Candice gently knocked on Luvie's bedroom door, she saw Luvie sitting on the floor, a crease between her eyebrows as she held a concentrated look on the motherboard in front of her.

     "What you doing?" Candice asked her, taking a few steps into her room.

     Luvie briefly glanced up at her mom, "Fixing the VGA light on this motherboard, Tavia said that her screen keeps showing up blank, so," she explained, Candice slowly nodding in response.

     "You sure you don't want to go out tonight?" Candice leaned her back against the doorframe, Luvie paused and looked up at Candice again. "I just want you to enjoy your senior year, Sioni,"

     "You mean, you want me to act normal for once and do something regular like everyone else," Luvie corrected her, scoffing a laugh.

      Candice quickly threw up her hands and walked towards her, kneeling down to her level. "No, baby, what I mean is, I just—" she stammered. Candice took a deep breath, placing her hands on Luvie's shoulders. "I don't want you to have any regrets, you're young baby, I just want you to enjoy the last of your teenage years before they pass you by,"

      "Ma, I enjoy staying in on Friday nights, doing this. I don't understand why it bothers you, I'm not out getting into trouble. Definitely not wit' a boy, doing God knows what—I'm in the comfort of my home, doing something I love," Luvie huffed, grabbing her small mallet.

      Candice gently grabbed Luvie's chin, making her look at her before grabbing both of her hands. "And that's good, I'm glad you've found something that gives you joy. B-but, we both know the real reason why you do it," she said, Luvie pulled her hands away from Candice's and shifted in her spot.

      "Ma, please," Luvie begged her, trying to avoid the direction that the conversation was about to take. She licked over her lips, picking up the motherboard, while getting up from the floor as Candice did the same.

      "I'm not tryin' to upset you, baby doll, but this isn't a healthy way to cope. And trust me, it's easier said than done. Even though it's something that you enjoy, this isn't your dream," Candice cupped Luvie's face, her eyes turning soft.

     "But it is, he didn't get to live it out—so I'm going to do it for him," Luvie shrugged, placing the motherboard down on the desk. "It's my fault he's didn't get to anyw—"

      "Luvie, you have to stop blaming yourself," Candice placed her hands on her shoulders, slightly shaking her. "That was not your fault baby, your brothers would've confronted that boy either way,"

      "Still doesn't make me feel any better," Luvie poked her bottom lip out a little. "He would've have felt the need to jump in front of those bullets if I didn't tell them that Dante was picking on me,"

       "You know he wouldn't want you to blame yourself, baby. That was something out of your control, if it wasn't him then it might've been one of your brothers, it was bound to happen, Sioni. He was picking wit' your brothers for a reaction and he got one when he messed wit' you that day,"

        "I hate him so much," Luvie said through clenched teeth as she tried to fight back tears. She quickly wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, clearing her throat. "My friends want me to come out to the basketball game, I guess I'll take a break,"

       "You should go, you can take my car—but don't be riding around in it all night. I have to get up in the morning to take Moneice grocery shopping," Candice told her, walking out of the room to go grab her keys.

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