Chapter five,

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hi babies. 🫶🏽 OH! and before I forget again, Luvie kind of resembles Kalii (the rapper) just in case y'all wonder how sis looks lol.

     Monday morning rolled around, Luvie walking her usual route to school. She stopped by the store like she usually did every morning, to grab herself a cold vanilla, Frappuccino.

     She was a bit tired than usual, but she chalked it up to her staying up a little later than usual to finish working on Kyro's laptop.

     Luvie had it in tow with her, refusing to go anywhere near his house. His vibes from yesterday surely did rub her the wrong way. Any human with common sense, wouldn't find themselves hanging around someone who was predatory.

     But then again, some of the boys around her way tolerated that behavior—even witnessed and inherited it from their fathers and uncles.

     She should've known something was up after she didn't see nor hear his siblings in the house. In the back of Luvie's mind, she felt as if he used his computer as a way to lure her there in hopes of having sex with her.

     Luvie was glad that she listened to her intuition that was literally begging her to get out of there. If she hadn't, she wouldn't have known what would've happened. Plus, she didn't think she would have run into Tyra and Faven when she did.

    Last night was still lingering on Luvie's brain. With the exception of Easton's smart remarks that he thought she didn't hear and the girl splashing her drink onto Asanté; she had a really great time with the girls.

    She hoped to make plans with them again soon.

    Luvie walked into the corner store, waving to the owners like she usually did before walking down the aisle where the freezers were. She stopped in front of the freezers that were holding the iced coffees.

     She grabbed one and walked to the front, placing it down on the counter. The clerk scanned it up, before the total popped up on the small monitor. Luvie swiped her card, punching in her PIN number before the clerk passed her the receipt.

     "Thank you," she said, grabbing her coffee and walking out of the door. On her way out, she almost bumped into someone as she was stuffing her card into the pocket of her bag.

    "My bad," she heard Asanté's deep voice apologize. She looked up to see his slim frame towering over her. She greeted him with a comforting smile, looking back down as she zipped her backpack closed.

    "Good morning, Asanté," she finally spoke, looking back up at him.

     "On your way to school?" he asked her, stepping out of her way. She softly hummed, nodding in response as she popped open the top of her iced coffee. "I have a question,"

      Luvie raised her eyebrows, beginning to drink from the bottle. "You walk to school every day?" he quickly pointed in the direction of where her school was. She nodded again, pulling the bottle away from her lips and twisting the cap back on. "Is it your choice to walk to school?"

     "Sorta," Luvie shrugged, wiping the top of her lip. "My parents leave before I wake up, they offered to drop me off but that means waking up early. So, I just told them I'll walk instead,"

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