Chapter eighteen,

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hi friends! ☺️ y'all in for some SHIT this chapter.

Four days.

It had been four days since anyone talked to Asantè. He hadn't been to work, or been by Mali's place. His disappearance left Luvie confused yet concerned. She spoke to Tyra and Faven about it but the girls were just as confused as she was about his whereabouts.

Mali mentioned that he checked on Asanté when he didn't return after a while from their outing. He thought that he was probably still with Luvie, but when he texted him, Asanté simply told him that he was straight and left it at that.

After Luvie texted him a few times, she stopped reaching out, figuring that he would hit her up when he was ready.

However, that didn't stop her from missing him. When her parents asked her about him, she simply told them that he was dealing with some personal problems, and that they haven't spoken much within the last few days.

Since she didn't have Asanté to hang out with as usual, Luvie spent time hanging out with Tyra. While she did, Tyra filled her in on her life.

Usually Luvie was the one venting to Tyra about her own problems, that sometimes she would forget to ask Tyra what was going on in hers.

Tyra never held it against her, given that she didn't have much going on with herself. Faven and her lived a drama free life, if they were dealing with any problems it was usually pertaining to boys.

But even then, Faven and Mali didn't have problems within their relationship.

Luvie grabbed her wallet out of her locker after she clocked out for lunch. For the past three hours, her mouth had been watering for some hot wings from next door.

She replied to Tyra's last text on her way out of the room, letting her know that she was going on lunch.

She proceeded to walk through the building, passing by her co-workers and customers. As she neared the entrance, she noticed a familiar face standing with someone else, seeming to have an intense conversation.

The girl reached in to hug Asanté, as he rubbed her back. Luvie bit down on the side of her cheek, not too fond of how cozy their embrace looked.

Luvie took a deep breath before slowly exhaling, pulling her gaze away from the pair. She continued on her way out, going to her text messages to let Tyra know that Asanté was okay.

"Let my pops know I'll drop by to see him tomorrow," Asanté told his cousin from his dad's side. She nodded in response, returning her attention back onto the screen where she was on FaceTime with her girlfriend.

Asanté stopped by his job, knowing that Luvie would be going to lunch soon. He felt bad for going ghost on her for the past couple of days, but he needed the space to get his mind right after what happened at his grandmother's restaurant.

He hadn't counted on running into his cousin when he came in. She mentioned to him that her uncle was now staying with them until he was able to find himself a new apartment.

Asantè was aware that his dad was no longer living with his mom. They had a talk a few days ago, Donald revealing that he left Esi. He had tried to fight for their marriage because he genuinely loved Esi.

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