Chapter seven,

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hi babies!

A week later, Luvie found herself hanging around Tyra more than often. After their argument, Luvie blocked Brielle's number along with Amauri's and left the group chat that the four of them shared.

Amauri tried talking to Luvie the day after, but Luvie shut down all communication with her. She wasn't interested in being friends with girls who were shady towards her and didn't respect her boundaries.

When Sacha found out what happened, she wasn't all too surprised that Brielle said what she said, or that Amauri let Luvie walk home instead of driving her back.

It was a no-brainer for Sacha when it came to choosing sides—Luvie was her best friend and she couldn't remain friends with someone who used her neurodivergence as an insult.

She found it a bit insensitive of both the girls to bring up the situation with Benji, especially when Luvie had been hurt over it weeks after it happened.

Since their split from Brielle and Amauri, Sacha had been hanging out with Luvie and Tyra. Sacha was skeptical about hanging out with the girl since she didn't know much about her, however, she pushed any uncertainty about Tyra to the back of her mind once she observed the interaction between her and Luvie.

Luvie walked out of her house, locking the door behind her. She walked down the driveway towards the car parked on the side of the road. She reached for the door handle and got into the passenger seat.

"Good morning," She greeted Asanté, shutting the door.

"Morning," he yawned, rubbing his eyes. Luvie grabbed the seat belt and started to put it on. She saw in the cup holder that there was a Starbucks coffee.

She knitted her eyebrows in confusion, looking up at him as he pulled off. "I didn't know you drink those," she said, pointing at the bottled coffee.

"I don't," he quickly glanced over at her, Luvie's confusion growing deeper. "I got it for you, you drink it every morning, right?"

"Um, y-yeah," Luvie cracked a smile, strapping in her seatbelt. She grabbed the coffee from the cup holder, popping open the cap. "Thank you,"

"You're welcome,"

The car ride to her school was quiet, Luvie sipped her coffee and looked out of the window at the passing surroundings and cars. Every other minute, Asantè would sneak a glance over at her.

For some reason, he'd expected her to talk to him. Since she started to hang out with the gang, he thought that she'd be more comfortable around him.

Asanté wasn't much of a talker himself, but it was the first time that he was around someone who didn't care to make much of an effort to carry a conversation with him; instead was content with sitting in silence.

Even though his friends knew he was a quiet person, they'd still talk his ear off, forcing him into a conversation.

He was used to people trying to talk to him, as they usually felt awkward sitting in silence with him. With Luvie though, she didn't seem to mind it at all.

With traffic being less hectic, Asanté arrived at the school in a little under ten minutes like usual. He got into the carpool lane, finally coming to a complete stop. In the car in front of him, they both saw Sacha getting out of it.

Asantè pressed down on the horn, causing Sacha to jump and quickly turn towards his car. "See you later," Luvie said, getting out of the car.

Sacha approaches them, a smile on her face. "Hey, Asanté," she waved to him, ducking down a bit to see him.

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