Chapter seventeen,

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hey babies!

Luvie squeezed the bottle of lotion into the palm of her hand, as she sat on the edge of her bed. She was currently getting ready to go out and grab breakfast with her friends. It was currently Friday and her brothers would be leaving to return to Atlanta on Sunday.

After dinner with Asanté, her brothers along with her father apologized to her for their behavior. The only person who hadn't given an apology yet was Nazim. However, Luvie wasn't too bothered by it, given that she was still highly upset with him and wasn't looking to speak to him any time soon.

Her rest of brothers put their pride aside and was able to admit that Asanté seemed like he had good intentions. They still had no desire to be cordial with the young man, but for the sake of their sister's happiness, they decided to leave the situation alone.

As for Marc, he was highly impressed that Asanté didn't let the brothers punk him and was willing to stand up for his relationship with Luvie by any means.

A knock appeared on Luvie's door, as she started to rub the lotion on her arms and her legs. "Come in!" She shouted for them to enter. Luvie watched as Nazim entered, prompting her to roll her eyes at the sight of her brother. "What do you want?"

"We need to talk," Nazim told her, shutting the door behind him. He walked over to the chair at her desk and pulled it out before he sat down. He leaned forward, resting his arms on his knees as he profoundly sighed. "Sioni, please understand that I never meant for any of this to go as far as it did,"

"You're the reason why it did go that far," Luvie cocked her head to the side, rubbing in the leftover lotion on her hand.

"I know, and I'm sorry. I was out of line for what I said to you, I shouldn't have said it in the first place,"

"You said it to hurt me. You threw something personal to me back into my face—something I used as a coping mechanism. You said it because you didn't like the fact I was talking to Dante's brother—someone who never uttered a word to you. Never did anything to you—and I know this is ironic coming from someone who disliked him at one point but at least I was able to put my pride aside," Luvie closed the top of her bottle of lotion and got up from the bed to place it back onto the dresser.

"For you to be the oldest sibling, for you to be a grown ass man, you acted like a child. Whatever bullshit ass apology you're trying to spew out, I don't accept it. You have genuinely hurt me—the last person I would ever think hurt me. You disrespected me, and all over what? Your hatred for a man who doesn't even give a fuck about your existence?" Luvie bitterly laughed, gesturing her hand towards him.

Nazim let out another sigh, running his hands down his face. "I understand, but I am deeply sorry, Nani. You have every right to not accept my apology because I didn't listen. I never once stopped and asked questions, I didn't try to understand from your perspective—I just snapped. I yelled at you, I cussed at you and never in my life have I ever done that, even when we have been at odds. I'm ashamed to admit that I didn't act like the big brother you love," he said.

"I acted selfish—childish, like you said. I'm sorry I hurt you, I'll never do this again. I still may not be able to accept this relationship, but I don't want my sister hating me because I tried to stand in the way of the happiness this boy gives her—whether that be temporarily or long term."

Luvie shook her head, her vision blurred by tears that were threatening to spill any second. "I don't believe that, Nazim. You have ruined that version of yourself for me, I don't look at you and see the brother that I love—I look at you and see the brother who would turn on me again if he doesn't agree wit' my choices," Luvie started to cry, pointing at herself.

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