Chapter twenty-three,

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I said last chapter that this was going to be a good chapter...I lied.

The Fourth of July, a holiday that many enjoyed having off to spend with family and friends. Whether it was in the comfort of their own homes and backyards, the parks or even the beaches.

For Luvie and her friends, they spent the day at the beach. Those also in attendance were their friends from school and even a few people from their jobs.

The beach was crowded, people scattered around in the water and on the sand, soaking up the blazing, July sun.

Asanté sat in the beach chair, a slight mug gracing his face as he watched Luvie joke around with Joel. Since Joel spotted Luvie, he lingered close by, catching up with her about what they'd been up to since graduation.

However as the minutes passed, Asanté started to grow more annoyed watching them interact. He thought that the situation between them had been put to rest, especially after he had ruined their date.

Once the girls noticed Asantè's mood spiraling, they tried to slyly pull Luvie away several times to avoid any drama but Joel and his friends continued to stay close.

Finally, Luvie turned around and walked towards Asanté. The mug his face held instantly softened as Luvie cut her eyes at him and sat in his lap. "Why you mean mugging, Sani?" she asked him.

"I'm not," he denied, his hand resting on her inner thigh. Luvie hummed, wrapping one arm around his shoulders, leaning back onto the arm of the chair.

Asanté's eyes then floated over to Joel that was slowly moving towards them, one of his homeboys speaking in a low tone, that was causing him to crack up.

Joel sat down in one of the chairs nearby, Asanté beginning to shake his head. "Why the fuck this nigga keep following you?" he spat, shooting Joel a look.

"Shh, stop," Luvie shushed him, peeking over at Joel to make sure that he hadn't heard. Unfortunately, Joel was looking in their direction with a frown.

"Nah, that shit pissing me off. Every time you move, he moves. Fuck is his problem?" Asanté scowled while Luvie huffed in annoyance. Easton snickered as Tyra nudged him.

"Fuck is yours?" Joel turned towards him, his body language being defensive. "Ain't nobody even on her like that, chill out wit' that shit,"

"Nigga, you've deadass been following her since you saw her. You definitely on her like that," Easton instigated, making Tyra slap his arm while she shushed him. "What? I don't know why he acting surprised, he all up on my homeboy shawty and expected him not to say anything,"

"His shawty?" Joel laughed, his eyes darting from Easton over to Luvie and Asanté. "Damn, you still made it official wit' that nigga even after he was playing wit' yo feelings?"

Asanté quickly removed Luvie from his lap as he got up. Joel stood up as well, dropping his cup and now getting into a defensive stance.

Mali and Easton also got up but Tyra and Faven pushed them back. Luvie grabbed Asanté's arm as he tried stepping around her, "Asanté, stop, it's not even that serious," she struggled to pull him in the other direction.

"Right, pressing me over a bitch, it was never that serious. Nigga already got her and yet still intimidated by—" Joel managed to say until Asanté swiftly broke out of Luvie's grasp, knocking her down in the process and throwing a punch Joel's way.

Tyra and Faven scrambled over to Luvie, helping her up from the sand. "Niggas and their fucking tempers," Luvie cussed, dusting off the sand on her legs. The girls shook their heads and turned to look, seeing that both Asanté and Joel were both getting good licks in on each other.

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