Chapter nineteen,

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overdue, I know. so what, you got it now.

Luvie pulled up in front of her house, shifting the gears in park. She quickly got out of the car, walking around to the passenger side.

She helped Asanté out of the car, shutting the door after him. She locked the door and helped him towards the front door.

"Stay right there," Luvie told him, leaning him against the wall. He continued to wince, hissing from the excruciating pain he felt.

After she unlocked the front door, she pushed it wide open. Her parents were startled by the door flying open and hitting the wall.

"What the hell?" Candice and Marc got up from the couch, approaching the door. Candice gasped, seeing Asanté now on the ground as Luvie tried helping him up. "Oh my gosh, what happened?"

The couple walked out and assisted Luvie with getting Asanté into the house. " jumped," Luvie quickly lied, refusing to mention the real details of what unfolded.

"Jumped?" They both repeated, whipping their heads in her direction with a puzzled look.

"Yeah, um, he was defending me and he didn't know that the guy was wit' other people," she said, sitting on the edge of the couch, examining Asanté's face for any bruises.

"My gosh," Candice grimaced, placing a hand over her chest. "Does he need to go to the hospital? Was the police even called?"

"Yeah, but we left before they could get there. And he doesn't want to go to the hospital, I've already tried to get him to go,"

"I'm okay, I promise," Asanté managed to tell them through his wincing.

Candice and Marc exchanged looks, a worried expression plastering Candice's face. Marc deeply sighed, rubbing his forehead.

"Well, I think it's best if you stay here tonight. We wouldn't feel comfortable wit' you driving back in this condition, you can leave in the morning—if you're doing better. If you even look like you're still hurting, we're taking you to the hospital," Candice sternly said, pointing a finger at him.

Asanté nodded, deciding it was best not to argue with her on the topic.

"We should have something in there for him to change in, I'ma go look," Marc turned around, walking away down the hall. Candice followed him, wanting to go make up one of the guest bedrooms for him.

Luvie waited until her parents were completely out of view before directing her focus onto Asanté.


Luvie shook her head, quickly throwing a hand up to stop him. "Don't speak," she said. She grabbed his hand and stood up, helping him to his feet.

They walked towards the bedroom where Candice was, making up the bed. She sat him down on the edge of the bed and stood off to the side. The room was dead silent, with the exception of Asanté's heavy breathing.

Marc walked into the room, holding onto a t-shirt with a tag still on it, along with a pair of basketball shorts. "I think you should be able to fit this," he handed it to Asanté.

"Do you want Tylenol or anything?" Candice offered, Asanté nodded, placing his hand on his stomach.

Candice and Marc walked out of the room, leaving Luvie and Asanté alone again. He pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his upper body that was beginning to bruise.

Luvie quickly turned around and walked out of the room, a lump forming in her throat as she fought to hold back tears.

She couldn't bear to see him in that condition. She was angry, angry that their night was ruined and she didn't know why.

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