Chapter Three,

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hi honey bears!

      Asante walked through the double sliding doors, his girlfriend's limp body in his arms, blood soaking the clothes that she wore. A distressed look on his face, the receptionist at the front desk turned to look, ready to greet them. However, her words got caught in her throat, her eyes almost bulging out of her eye sockets from the sight.

      She quickly stood to her feet and rushed over to the group. Asante's friends stood behind him, Faven and her twin sister with tear stained cheeks. The patients in the emergency waiting room, all watched in horror, their minds racing with thoughts of what could've possibly happened to the poor girl.

      Easton held onto his arm where he was struck, blood trickling down his arm, dripping onto the floor. "What happened?" The nurse questioned them, checking for a pulse. She beckoned them, quickly walking towards the double doors.

       "She was shot!" Faven's sister, Tyra told her, panic filling her voice. They walked through the double doors after the nurse swiped her badge, a few other nurses turning their attention onto the group. They dropped what they were doing and instantly focused their attention onto the girl. They grabbed a gurney from nearby as Asante gently laid her down, the nurses rushing down the hall with her as Asante and the rest stood in the same spot.

     Another nurse approached Easton, taking notice of him holding onto his arm. "Are you hurt sir?" she asked him, he nodded and let go of his arm, letting the nurse examine the visible wound. He followed behind the nurse, shooting his friends one last look.

     Mali gently placed a hand on Asanté's shoulder, breaking him out of his trance as he watched the nurses disappear around the corner with, Jaliyah, his girlfriend.

     Asanté looked over at his friend, a blank expression on his face. "Come on, let's go wait in the waiting room. We gotta call her folks too," Mali told him. He subtly nodded and turned around walking back towards the waiting room.

     He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, he dreaded having to make that type of call. It was late at night, and he knew her family were probably sleeping. With the exception of her sister, they had just seen her right before they left for the function.

     What was supposed to be a night to finally unwind after taking exams all week, turned into something absolutely tragic.

     Five minutes was all it took, he cursed himself for not going outside with the girls. The moment they all heard gunshots erupt from outside, the blood curdling screams that were let out—he knew in that moment someone had been hurt.

     His heart fell into the pit of his stomach as he ran outside and saw Jaliyah laying a pool of her own blood, the girls trying to apply pressure to her wounds. They were already on the phone with dispatch but he refused to wait.

     He needed to save her somehow—he couldn't lose her, he just wouldn't allow it. Though they argued against it along with the dispatcher, his friends still followed him to the hospital as he sped through the streets of Savannah to get Jaliyah the help she desperately needed.

     Faven sat down in one of the chairs, her sister sitting down next to her. They grabbed each other's hand, entangling their fingers, their faces still stricken with shocked expectations.

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