Chapter thirteen,

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7k words later 😅 atp, I said fuck the indents. LMFAOOOOOOOO

"Baby sis!" Nazim exclaimed as Luvie ran out of the house towards him and their brothers with her arms extended out. He caught her in his arms, swinging her around with a huge smile. "Look at you, man,"

He pulled away, looking over her. Naheim, Majin, and Sameer approached them, placing their luggage down on the ground. Their parents came out of the house, smiles on their faces as they watched their sons continue to get their individual hugs in with their little sister.

Once they were done getting their hugs in, they walked over to their parents and proceeded to do the same thing with them. Sameer kept his arm around Luvie as she had her arms around his torso.

"Your locs getting longer, Nini—what's the matter?" Sameer paused, seeing that his sister's eyes were filled with tears.

Luvie shook her head, quickly wiping her eyes with the side of her hands. "Nothing, I just really missed you guys," she said.

"Aww," Sameer cooed, pulling her into another tight hug. "We missed you too, Nini Bear,"

Luvie softly laughed hearing the nickname he'd been calling her since they were little. Although Luvie was very close to all of her brothers, she was extremely close to Sameer, since they were close in age.

When the older boys were out of the house, it was just the two of them left. Sameer graduated last year with Asantè and the gang.

Surprisingly out of the rest of their family, Sameer was the only one who didn't have much of an issue with Asanté.

Even though they weren't friends in the slightest—not even associates, Sameer didn't go out of his way to be mean to him like everyone else did.

After all, his problem was with Dante.

Like Luvie and Nazim, Sameer carried a bit of guilt.

He was supposed to walk home with Luvie like he usually did every day after school.

That one particular day though, he decided to stay behind and join a few of his friends to play football.

And although his parents later apologized for taking their anger out on him, he did get scolded for not walking with his sister like usual.

But Sameer didn't blame his parents, if only he had walked with his sister, he would've been there to protect her.

That was the main reason why he walked with her, to keep her safe.

When they attended school together, Sameer didn't stand for anyone bullying his sister—not that anyone got the chance to because Luvie was a tough person.

After they were done greeting each other with hugs, they all went inside, the savory aroma of soul food engulfing them.

Candice had started preparing the food earlier around noon so that dinner would be ready by the time the boys arrived.

It had been a week since school ended for the seniors. During the week though, the seniors had to go to the fairgrounds to get their caps and gowns for their big day.

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