Chapter nine,

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hi babies 🦦

     Wednesday afternoon, Tyra and Faven were hanging out with Sacha at the park. Since the altercation on Saturday, no one had heard from Luvie.

     They were a little confused as to why she was ignoring them, but they figured that she may just need space.

     Usually, Asanté would see Luvie on her usual route to school, or at the store—but he hadn't been seeing her at all.

     There was still some confusion on his end, he hoped that when he had a conversation with her, he would have some answers but instead more questions arose.

     He was quite surprised when Luvie jumped on Brielle at TopGolf. She was feisty, but he didn't think he ever saw her act that way towards any woman.

     He should've known something was about to go down, once Luvie stormed off in the middle of their conversation, and then was pulled away by Sacha moments later.

     It took him, Easton, and Mali to pull Luvie off of Brielle—for her to be small, she had a grip of a man.

     After the fight, they were asked to leave the premises. And they did so, before the police arrived, wanting to avoid anyone being arrested.

     He didn't know what happened after he parted ways with the girls, but from what he gathered after regrouping with them the following day, Luvie got her stuff from their house and went home—despite the girls asking her to stay.

     When Monday afternoon rolled around, Asanté was  hoping to see her when she arrived for her interview. However, as the end of his shift neared, he figured that she either didn't show up at all or somehow managed to be in the building without his knowledge.

     Overall, the girls and Asanté hoped that she was okay.

     "So, then they were clowning her again. Saying how she got her ass whooped, and that she should've left Sioni alone," Sacha told them, relaying what happened in the lunchroom at school earlier after Brielle got into an argument with one of the guys that Kyro was friends with.

     Tyra shook her head as she stuffed a spoonful of yogurt into her mouth. "See, that's why you don't fuck wit' them quiet ones. Sioni got some hands on her, I saw how hard she was hitting Brielle and that shit looked like it hurt," she said, holding a hand over her mouth.

     Faven hummed, nodding in agreement as she dusted off her hands as she chewed on some almonds.

     Sacha stifled her laughter, slightly nodding. "Yeah, Sioni has a lot of anger in her. I be feeling bad for the people she fights, 'cause she lashes out real bad," she said.

     "I hope she's not mad at us," Tyra poked out her bottom lip. "I didn't even know about Antoine knowing Brielle and Amauri,"

     "Me either," Faven added, reaching into the can for more almonds.

     "Hey, East," Tyra greeted Easton as he walked onto the court, dribbling a basketball.

     "What's up? Mali coming? I tried calling him, but he ain't answer," Easton asked Faven, taking a seat on the bench, passing the ball back and forth between his hands.

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