Chapter twenty-five,

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6 months later

Luvie leaned against the wall as she sat comfortably in her twin bed. Her light sniffles could be heard over Jhené Aiko's 'Above and Beyond' that spilled through her JBL speaker. Fresh tears stained her cheeks, as her hands were formed into a ball fist, her short acrylic nails digging into her flesh.

The physical pain she felt in her left arm from her pinched nerves were nothing compared to the aches she felt in her heart.

Her first heartbreak.

It's been three months since she last saw Asanté. She saw him everyday for the two months that she was in hospital, even after they'd discharged him. He stuck by her side, held her hand through every step of her recovery.

It was his fault after all—at least that's what he thought, even after Luvie kept assuring him that he saved her life.

Had it not been for Asanté being in front of her, the last bullet that struck her would've been the one to end her life.

But she was alive because of him—just like Jaliyah.

However, after Luvie was discharged from the hospital, she never heard from Asanté again.

The first few days, she feared for his safety. The thoughts that Blaise had somehow gotten to him again and finished him off for good this time around, plagued her mind.

She asked his grandmother and even his cousin about his whereabouts, but they were just as clueless. Until, they received a call from Asanté himself and was assured that he was fine.

They tried prying more information from him about his whereabouts but he simply told them that he was where he belonged.

Luvie wiped her face as she heard the locks being fiddled with. In walked her roommate, Sianne along with Tyra and Faven. They were dressed up as if they were ready to go out—which Luvie knew they were, since they mentioned it earlier in the groupchat.

Sianne flicked on the lights and slumped her shoulders, "Aw hell naw," she shook her head, walking over to the speaker to turn it off. "No ma'am, we're not doing this tonight, Sioni,"

"Get up," Tyra gestured to her, removing her phone from her lap and placing it beside her. Luvie sucked her teeth, huffing loudly. "I don't want to hear it, get up, Sioni,"

"I'm not going to that party, y'all. I'd rather sulk in my damn sadness,"

"No," Faven scoffed, placing her wallet and keys down. "I will not let you sit here and mope around. Three months is enough to mourn the loss of your relationship with Asanté. You've grieved enough, but now? You need to get up, we're not letting you shed any more tears over his ass,"

"Exactly, fuck him." Tyra rolled her eyes, her eyebrows lowered and her nose crinkled. "Stop shedding tears over a nigga who fucking left you without saying so much of a goodbye."

She reached to grab Luvie's right hand, "Now, we're going out. We're going to have a good time, we're going to take your mind off of him and that's that." she beckoned her off of the bed.

Luvie sighed in defeat and slid off of the bed, standing to her feet. "Fine," she gave in, sharply pulling out of Tyra's grasp. "I will only go because y'all will stay here and make slick remarks about wanting to be outside all night long, and I don't want to hear that shit,"

Tyra sat down in the chair at Luvie's desk, an annoyed expression on her face. Since Asanté left, Tyra and Faven spent the last three months consoling Luvie during her heartbreak.

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