Chapter twenty,

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I guess I'll update since Gheauxst is taking a little breaky break. 🙄

before you proceed to read this chapter, I want all of you to keep in mind that these are young adults. What you will expect is just not realistic—only if they were actual adults in their mid to late twenties. So...lower ya expectations, ah-kay?

also, it is short for a reason.



"Tay, I'm telling you man, leave that shit alone. Her brothers already looking at you sideways. If something happens to her because of you, " Easton shook his head, dipping his spoon into his bowl of ice cream. "I ain't even tryna be funny man, but you gone come up missing for real,"

Shortly after his argument with Luvie, Asantè went back to Mali's place for the night. He had been preparing himself for the talk with her about it and had an idea of how it was going to go.

After he left Luvie's house this morning, he went to his grandmother's house. While he didn't want to tell his grandmother what was going on, he told her everything after she noticed the bruises on him.

Esther was shocked to say the least, yet, she wasn't surprised that Dante dragged her grandson into his mess.

Like everyone else who knew of his situation, she tried to come up with solutions to his problem. She suggested that he go to the police, but Asanté refused.

Although his grandmother was now aware of what he had been doing for the past four years, she didn't have a clue of the things he witnessed.

Just from his knowledge of certain situations, he was liable to go down with Blaise. Or worse, Blaise could simply have him killed off to prevent him from saying anything.

"I don't have a choice," Asanté shrugged, lighting the blunt between his fingers. "Last night man, that shit was heavy on my mind. I don't like seeing her scared and shit, that's not a good feeling,"

Mali sucked his teeth, rolling his eyes. Easton and Asanté both glanced his way. "You really gone let that bitch ass nigga dictate your happiness? A'ight let's say you do stop fuckin' wit' Luvie, then what? You stay single forever? You end up liking someone else and do the same shit to her when y'all start becoming close? That make sense to you?" he preached, lowering his eyebrows.

While he did understand where his best friend was coming from, wanting to protect someone that he really liked, he also understood Luvie's hurt.

The girl seemed to develop some deep feelings for his friend in such a short period. Although it was easy for Asanté to say he wanted to end things between them, everyone in their friend group knew it wouldn't be.

Luvie had him wrapped around her finger.

And if she attempted to move on, he would only double back again like the first time.

"I mean, he does have a point," Easton shrugged, before spooning some ice cream in his mouth. "But then again, we don't wanna have another Jaliyah situation—unless..." he paused.

He placed the empty bowl down on the table, licking off his lips. "You stop trying to hold on to Savannah and bring yo' ass to Atlanta wit' us," he finally looked over at Asanté.

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