Chapter eleven,

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would've updated this much earlier but wattpad annoying not letting folks indent with the tab key, so I had to do that shit manually with the space bar. 🙄

anyways, enjoy.

"So, that's it? He wines and dines you, then fuckin' turns you down?" Tyra frowned, as she looked at Luvie in the backseat as Faven drove them to school. Luvie told them bits of what happened between her and Asanté over the weekend.

Now that they were together, she went into full detail about what had happened. The sisters were upset that he turned her down, however, they understood his reasoning.

"Yup," Luvie popped her lips, applying lipgloss to them as she looked into her phone's camera. "It is what it is though, I'm a li'l hurt but who am I to try and change his mind?"

"Still though, Sioni, that nigga wasted your time going through all of that mess. Took you out, let you meet his uncle, his granny, and his cousin, made you confess your feelings—and all for what? Just to tell you he isn't ready for a relationship?" Faven said, peeking at her in the rearview mirror.

"Like, I get it," Tyra made vague hand gestures, rolling her neck a bit. "He's been single for three years, he's dealing wit' a lot at home, but I don't think that was fair to you—he got your hopes up for nothing,"

Faven hummed, nodding in agreement. "Right, like he could've told you that shit in the car, what the fuck? Girl, I'm mad for you, all that hard work we've been doing." she spat.

"It's okay guys, really—it just wasn't meant to be," Luvie told them, wanting to drop the conversation. "He stays out of my way and I stay out of his,"

"But it isn't okay, Sioni," Tyra replied in a stern tone. "I love Tay to death, but wrong is wrong—and he was wrong in this situation. He was so bothered by you not talkin' to him, practically almost shot a nigga at a party for you, doing shit that a nigga in a relationship would do—like, come on,"


"Yeah, but I'm not going to sit here and complain about it guys. Like I said, I'm not mad, just hurt," Luvie shrugged, tucking her tube of lipgloss back into her backpack. "Can we talk about something else, please?"

"Okay," Tyra obliged, not wanting to make her friend feel uncomfortable. "I'm so glad this is our last week, we about to graduate in two weeks bih!" she exclaimed, doing a little dance in the seat.

"Thank God, I don't have to take any of my exams," Luvie sighed a relief, zipping her purse.

"Wait, if you don't have to take any exams, why are you coming to school? I thought you didn't have to go to school if you had no exams to take," Tyra cocked her head in confusion, as she looked back at her.

"I have to finish my project wit' Joel, plus I have to prepare my speech,"

"What for, pooh?"


"What?" Both Tyra and Faven looked at her in shock, as she nodded in confirmation.

"Oh my gosh, Sioni! Why didn't you tell us, pooh? Congratulations!" Tyra exclaimed while clapping. "Girl, we definitely gone have to show out once you get on that stage,"

"You gone hear me screaming even once the stadium gets quiet," Faven snickered, causing Luvie to start giggling. "I'ma be like, 'that's my sis!' and I dare someone to shush me, I'ma cuss them out,"

"I just know that my family gone show their asses though, they always do." Luvie shook her head, imagining how her family was going to act at her graduation.

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