Chapter fourteen,

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🤭 let's get back into it, shall we?

A few days later, Luvie was enjoying her time with her brothers. Everything had been going good so far, with her family and with Asanté.

Surprisingly, her and Asantè had been talking nonstop since she gave him her number at the party.

Even at work, they'd hang out on their lunch break. Luvie could tell that Asanté was making the effort to be more open with her, even though he was more interested in knowing about her.

Luvie kept their reconciliation to herself, not exactly ready to tell Tyra or Faven that they were speaking again. As far as they knew, Luvie was still upset with him.

Nazim yawned, rubbing his eyes as he sat in the living room with his brothers. Slumber was ready to take over him after Candice got up this morning and made breakfast for the family before she left for work.

They were waiting for Luvie to get finished getting dressed for work, before they went back to sleep, just in case she needed a ride.

Luvie walked out of her room, shutting the door behind her. She walked down the hall, her brothers coming into view as they were spread out across the living room.

"See y'all later," Luvie said, reaching for the front door.

"Youn' need a ride?" Majin asked her, looking away from the TV.

"No, I have one," she told them, opening the door. She quickly walked out and shut the door behind her before any of them could respond.

She locked the door and walked down the driveway towards the car parked in front of her house. She reached for the car door and got inside, placing her purse down on her lap.

"Morning," Luvie spoke, putting on her seatbelt. She reached to grab the chilled coffee out of the cup holder, before looking up at Asanté.

He was looking past her with raised eyebrows, she turned to look and saw her brother Nazim coming out of the house, looking down at his phone while his keys were in his other hand.

"Does he know who you riding wit'?" Asanté questioned her, shifting the gears and pulling off onto the street.

"No," Luvie replied, popping open the cap to her coffee. She heard him hum in response, making her look over at him. "I'm gonna tell them, Tay, I'm just trying to figure out how,"

"I'm not tripping, ma. Take your time," Asanté told her, resting his arm on the middle console. Luvie took a sip of the coffee before placing the top back on it and placing it down in the cup holder.

Luvie pulled the visor down, looking over herself in the mirror. Asantè pulled his attention away from the road, to glance at Luvie. "You got plans after work?"

"No, unless my brothers text me and make some plans,"

"Can you retwist my locs?"

Luvie looked away from the mirror, eyeing his locs. It was definitely time for a retwist.

"I thought you didn't like just anyone touching your head?"

"I don't, but I like how you do yours. I trust that you aren't going to fuck up my head, that's only if you're comfortable though. I know you not comfortable messing wit' people's hair," Asanté said, placing his attention back onto the road.

Luvie nodded and hummed, "I don't, but I can make an exception for you," she closed the visor, sitting back in the chair. "I need a form of payment though,"

"That ain't nothing, how much?"

"Like 3,000. Nothing too major," Luvie shrugged, Asanté softly chuckled, glancing over at her. "Buy me dinner?"

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