Chapter eight,

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go to bed after this. 🫶🏽

     "Damn, why y'all ain't tell me sooner? I would've never flirted wit' the man!" Sacha exclaimed, her eyes wide in shock. The girls had finally told her about Luvie liking Asanté.

      They were currently at the mall, waiting in the food court for the guys to meet them. They planned to go see a movie and then hit up top golf afterward.

       The previous night, the girls decided that they would tell Sacha what was going on, rather than keep her in the dark. Whether she decided to fall back with the flirting or not, was absolutely up to her.

     "Cause we needed to get Luvie to admit her feelings for the man first, girl!" Tyra laughed, Sacha shook her head as she stared at Luvie.

     "Wow, I can't believe this. Bitch, you said fuck that man just a few weeks ago, where the hell did these feelings come from?" Sacha continued to stare at her friend in awe.

     Luvie cut her eyes at her, lowering her eyebrows. "I don't know, Sacha—they just...appeared, okay?" she spoke with annoyance filling her tone.

     Sacha threw her hands up, quickly taking notice of her annoyed tone. "Okay, okay, sorry. I'm just...I don't know, shocked," Sacha replied truthfully, happy that her friend finally found someone she liked. "You intimidate niggas, Sioni,"

      Faven and Tyra laughed, as Luvie playfully rolled her eyes trying to hold back a smile. "No I don't, I just don't stand for bullshit," she said, beginning to bounce her leg out of habit.

      Sacha opened her mouth to respond until Luvie loudly cleared her throat to stop her. Sacha followed her gaze and saw the guys approaching them, however, they stopped as something caught their attention.

      "So, now that you know about Luvie and Tay Tay, Sacha, maybe we can hook you up wit' someone else," Tyra told her, watching the guys walk off in a different direction. "Where the hell they going?"

      "Well, I don't know..." Sacha trailed off, scratching her scalp. "Even though I been doing a li'l harmless flirting wit' guys, I'm still tryin' to sort out a situation,"

      Luvie pushed her eyebrows together, studying her friend closely. "What situation?" she nosily inquired.

      Sacha swallowed hard, taking a deep breath as if she were preparing herself. Once again, she was interrupted by the boys approaching the table.

      "Hey, y'all," Sacha greeted them with a smile. Luvie lowly hummed to herself, making a mental note to talk to her privately about the matter later on.

     Luvie diverted her attention from Sacha to the guys, immediately taking notice of Asanté's absence. The guys all had weird looks on their faces, glancing off in a different direction every other second.

     Luvie followed their gaze and saw Asanté at a distance, talking to a girl. She heard light gasps from both Faven and Tyra as Faven quickly got up and rushed over to the pair.

      "Jaliyah!" Faven exclaimed, her arms extended out to embrace the girl. Jaliyah had a huge smile on her face as she hugged her. Luvie and Sacha exchanged confused glances before they returned their attention to the mysterious girl.

      "Oh my gosh! I didn't know you were back," Faven beamed, taking a good look over Jaliyah.

      "Well, um, I'm not technically back. I'm just visiting for my uncle's birthday, I'll be here until Tuesday." Jaliyah explained, peeking over at Asanté. "I really wasn't expecting to see y'all,"

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