Knives are stabbing into me

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Werewolves, sexy Greek gods who always reject their mate, and run in packs-

Wait a second. Hold up. Pull the reins to your horse. If your horse can't trot backwards, then we'll cross that bridge later.

...Or fall off. Whatever suits you.

When did werewolves run in packs? No. Those are wolves. There isn't an Alpha or Beta or Omega. Nope, just loners or loners or loners. Jeez people.


Yeah I don't know what that was about either.

Werewolves have to be bitten to be turned. In stories on Wattpad, I haven't seen a single story where werewolves get bitten. Nope, it's passed through the family. But hey, even Harry Potter admits that someone has to be bitten to be a snarling wolf-man. Kudos to you J.K. Rowling, for having some brains and at least making werewolves be bitten.

When did the "shift at will" thing come into play? No! Werewolves turn at. The. Full. Moon. Not at noon, not in the morning, not at will, at midnight. Jeez, it's been an established fact, what happened to it? Did it go down the drain once Taylor Lautner showed his abs?

Werewolves eat people. Not mate with them, not love them, not marry them, eat them. They don't date, don't have booty calls, don't have babies or pups or whatever people call them, and they don't protect humans. They eat them. Sorry guys, no Team Jacob.

But freaking Taylor Lautner so freaking hot with those amazing abs that I can't stay angry at him for long. Damn you abs >.>.


Have you seen those abs? And he's so tan and drool-worthy...

I'm not saying I'm supporting Twilight but I'll still watch it. Because hey, the glass is half full.

And I can appreciate some serious eye-candy. Do you know how many times Taylor is shirtless is the movies? Too many to count. But hey, I'm so not complaining over here. And all the other guys aren't bad. Robert Pattinson isn't half bad and the guy playing Jasper is hella cute.

And dammit, Nessie is such a cute baby.

Anyways, it's not only the writing that ticks me off, it's the story plan. Tell me if these sound familiar.

"Gasp, I'm mated to the Alpha!"

"Oh no, knives are stabbing into me. The alpha rejected me!"

"I'm an Alpha.. And my mate's an Omega?"

"I'm a nerd and I got rejected by my mate so I left. Now I'm a kickass bitch who applies makeup so well it's a miracle and somehow manages to do a one-eighty in personality."

Why is the mate always an Alpha, Omega, or Beta. Why can't it be someone in the middle? I'm near positive that being mated to a middle class isn't bad at all.

If your life depended on a mate, why would you reject them? Let's face it, if this was the other half of your soul, you wouldn't reject it no matter what. And why, lord why, is it always the alpha?

I'm not even going to go in detail in the third one because I already ranted my head off above.

I don't get this. How is it that right after he rejects you, you're suddenly the most bomb-ass bitch there is? You're suddenly hot, confident, sexy, wanted, and able to apply make up like a pro when you've never even touched a make up brush in their life. No one is able to transition that quickly. No one is able to suddenly do a one-eighty. That kind of stuff takes practice. A lot of practice. There is no way you are able to miraculously apply eyeliner in one straight line first try. No. Way. And if you are, then I have gone over the line of jealous. Way over the line. I'm at the point where I'm so far from the line that binoculars can't help me see it.

But no. There's just no way you know how to put together cool clothes, look sexy, and act sexy in two days. That kind of change takes months. Years even.

So add realisticness (is that even a word? See, I'm so upset about this that I even made up a word!) into stories, and yes I understand what I'm asking. These are werewolves, nothing is realistic about them. Still, they're somewhat human, and have somewhat flaws. Think about your life, and incorporate some of that into the story. After all, the best guide one needs isn't online, or in a book, but all around you and inside.

But hey, I'm not saying you should put this book down. Or since we're on Wattpad, leave this book since you can't physically put this book down. Oh no no no, you still have to read this. Don't you dare even think about it. I see you over there being all shady trying to leave this book.

Still, Team Edward for the win!

Team Jacob or Team Edward?

Sooo I changed the title...... whoops


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