I found your nose

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Curiosity killed the cat. And satisfaction so did not bring the cat back to life.

Even if it did bring the cat back to life, it it wouldn't make a difference because it already happened once which theoretically speaking it will happen again.

Besides what if the information wasn't all worth dying for? What if there's no satisfaction in it? What will bring the cat back to life? Envy? Revenge? Sorry, but it's only satisfaction that brings the cat back to life.

The nosey people are the ones I'm talking about today. The one who everyone tells "None of your beeswax." to.

Everyone expects children to grow less and less curious about things that aren't even their business. However, what they don't account for is the fact that there's a reason why rumors get worse as someone grows up.

Partially because of nasty and jealous ex girlfriends and boyfriends, and partially because of the very human need to stick their noses into doorways they don't need to go in.

But be careful. One day a door will slam on that nose, and all that is left is a broken nose.

And I'm no doctor, but I'm pretty sure that a broken nose can never completely heal.

So the curiosity for information one doesn't need will cause you to lose your nose. Lose your looks with a crooked looks.

And before you say,"Lucy, don't judge a book by it's cover." I will tell you to sit down. Because let's be real. It's all about the looks these days. I'm not saying it's right, because it's not, but it's just the simple fact of life and we might as well build a bridge and get over it.

So are you missing your nose? Because I found it all up in my business. Which is where it's not supposed to be at. It's supposed to be on your face, above the mouth, starting in between the eyes.

There should be no reason why we need to know what happened on personal matters. If things are whispered into ears, it's kind of a dead giveaway that it's meant to be private.

But then again, a whisper is just someone speaking normal volume while adding raspiness to le voice.

I can see the problem in that.

Anyways sweetie, this is an A B conversation, you can go C your way out.

I would like to thank Jesus, God, and everything in-between that let me stumble onto an argument where someone used that.

If you thought that was good, wait until you see my other ones that I got.

Nosey poseys, whom we are going to call Beez, just can't seem to get ahold of their noses because it's always running around, nosing into others' business.

But Beez, this is a January February conversation, you can go and March your way out.

Did we say we wanted to talk to you? No. Did we say that you should go and spread rumors? No. Did we spread our own rumors? No. So what makes you, little Miss. Beez, think that you can go spread our rumors for us?

Sweetie. You should take a long walk off a short pier.

This is an AT&T and Verizon conversation, so you can go and Sprint your way out.

There, three comebacks already for you to use to against a Beez, and we're barely even halfway into this chapter.

And if anyone mentions the fact that they have ears and they can't help the fact that they can hear, all I would like to say is honey, sit down.

First off, would you like me to deafen you? Because then you can help the fact that you can hear. Yeah. Try me.

Second off, I have ears. I have very nice ears. My ears come from my mom. No, I do not go pressing my ear onto the doors of places where they are holding private conversations.

But what goes around comes back around (hey my baby). What? You don't get it? How do you not get it. It's Queen B, Queen Beyonce. You still don't get it? Yeah you've officially been dubbed a lost cause. Bye.

Anyways, what it means is you make rumors on someone else, who knows, maybe mysterious rumors will suddenly pop up against you. Basically, if you roast their food that should be fried, they will roast your food as well as take you and toss you into that fire.

Because guys let's just be real. No one really follows (or cares about) that guide on how we shouldn't fight fire with fire and all that jazz. You toss someone into a fire pit and they will hurl you into hell.

Quick question. Is say, fighting fire with an ice cold bucket of water to cool someone down and quenching their thirsty attitudes still count as fighting and something we shouldn't do? Because I'm not leaving that fire there to burn. That's wasting good wood that can be used for other useful stuff.

I gossip? Please peasant. The only thing I would even consider gossip is about is how long your brain takes to function.
Dang I'm just writing one chapter after another, even though I'm not really updating one after another.

Are you a Beez?

Is your nose missing?

Comment "All hail Queen B."

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