166 | Troublesome Lord

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KRIST LOOKS AT THE view of their campus while sipping his apple juice. He couldn't help but stare at the white uniforms who were happily going to their building, excited for another day in school.

     If this was the old Krist, he wouldn't be able to believe it. J.S High has changed, and that's something he has learned to accept. Ever since a certain white uniform came to their house, J.S High felt brighter and hopeful. Students wanted to go to school, they were happily competing with each other, and what's more, they felt more like a community now than just a battlefield.

     It's crazy how one ripple could cause a huge wave. A Sinclaire had ruined the foundation of J.S High, and now a Sinclaire was rebuilding it. The irony of it all.

     "You look serious," a voice suddenly says, and Krist smiles and turned around to welcome a white uniform who walked toward him with a proud look on his face.

     "If it isn't Mr. top 10," Krist says, and Max stopped in front of him before putting his hands inside his pockets. "You didn't come to school yesterday. Were you busy, or were you just avoiding the chocolates that the white uniforms were going to give you? You might not know it, but a lot of them secretly admire you," Krist teases, and Max chuckles and casually leans on the balustrade.

     "Please, I don't think I'll be able to handle another confession," Max reveals, surprising Krist. But before Krist could even ask him what he meant by that, Max looks at him seriously and finally asks, "Why didn't you tell me you were previously a king?"

     The question surprised Krist, but he tries to brush it off as he takes a sip of his juice, standing beside Max and leaning on the balustrade as well.

     "Who told you about that?"

     "No one important."

     Krist chuckles at the response and finishes his juice before tossing it in the bin. "That was a long time ago, and I only joined C1A for a brief moment. As soon as we won, I left, so I wasn't really able to practice my king title," Krist explains. "After I left, Cj followed, and then Hans. And eventually, Joon and Viktor decided to split."

     To be more specific, C1A was composed of Viktor, Tanis, Hee-joon, Killshot, Hans, Cj, and Krist. As soon as they won against Paradox and were declared kings, Krist left.

     When all the other members left, Viktor and Tanis stayed and changed the name to Busters before adding the other members.

     Hee-joon formed his own brotherhood as well with Killshot, and that was PHD. Then the third brotherhood that was formed was BND, which was a brotherhood that Hans and the others created.

     In their second year, Cj made his own group. He was hoping to recruit Krist, but the two ended their genuine friendship before that could happen, and so Cj formed Cigarettes on his own with the students from a different class. Krist made his own brotherhood after that, which was funny because he only made it to mock the system, but they ended up ranking up instead.

     And just before the end of their second year, Crazy 8 rose up from the House of Pawns to the House of Kings during the Brotherhood Annual Reranking, and that finally solidified the top 6 brotherhoods of J.S High. That rank has not changed ever since.

     "I told you didn't I that I never really wanted to be a brotherhood because of how the previous brotherhoods treated us in the past. I made Jokers for fun, but shit happened and we became the barons," Krist shares, and Max couldn't help but laugh because of how bizarre that story is despite how many times he's heard it.

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