196 | Little Birds

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"AND THAT IS ALL for Omega Society's presentation. Thank you, everyone, for visiting our club. And once again, I am Max Sinclaire, the club leader of Omega Society. I hope you all enjoy the rest of the afternoon," Max finishes. The lights then turn on, and the guests in front of him start clapping their hands before standing from their seats to leave.

     Max, Felix, and the rest of the Omega Society were in an empty classroom. They just finished their club presentation, and thankfully, about 15 guests visited them. Max was also glad that Eren and the others were able to burrow a room for their presentation because their actual clubroom would have been too small for them.

     "Max, should we leave the display here and just pack up at 5 PM? There are still some walk-ins who are checking them out," Eren—their club's freshman representative and Felix's secret apprentice in Crazy 8—explains, referring to the booth that had body bags and a large board that shows an overview of their club's purpose.

     "Alright, we can just leave it here for now. Just stay here with the rest and entertain the walk-ins' questions. But close the room up when you need to have a lunch break. We don't want anyone stealing our uniforms again," Max explains, and Eren nods his head and walks back to the display, where some guests are taking pictures.

     "Looks like it's a wrap. I wasn't expecting a lot of people to come, but I guess that's all thanks to you," Felix says as he approaches Max.

     Max, who is putting his laptop back in his bag, doesn't even notice Felix anymore, so Felix carefully touches Max's shoulder, making Max flinch.

     "O-Oh, Felix, sorry."

     "Max, are you okay?" Felix asks with a concerned look, and Max instantly puts a smile on his face so his friend wouldn't worry.

     "It's okay, I'm fine. I'm just a bit tired since I had to finish that report last night. I'm glad it went well," Max lies, and Felix can tell that he is lying, but he doesn't ask him about it anymore.

     Ever since the incident happened, and ever since Max talked to Jontell yesterday, Max has looked completely distracted. His friends don't exactly know what's occupying his head right now, but Max can honestly only think about his mother.

     Jontell mentioned that Luna met up with his mother just a week before the bombing incident that killed the Stepanov Clan. When you think about it, the bombs that were found during that incident were manufactured by the Alexeev family, but the buyer was the Rosario family. Based on what Jontell had said, the Rosario family resold those bombs to an unknown buyer. And in between all this, Luna just so happened to meet up with the lady of the Rosario family.

     If we connect all this together, it definitely makes a very obvious conclusion. It's simply implying that Luna was—

     "Max," Felix called out for the second time, snapping Max back to his senses.

     "S-Sorry, did I zone out again? I must be really tired after that incident with Jontell yesterday," Max says instead, and Felix sighs and stares at Max with worry. But just as he was about to say something to Max, three very familiar white uniforms suddenly approached them. It was Lennox Connery (House of Rooks), Nicolás Vega (House of Knights), and Tsukumo Asahi (House of Bishop). Three white uniforms that Max considered as his teammates during the Mr. Brains and Brawn pageant.

     "Max! We finally get to meet each other like this," Nox says, reaching out to give Max a quick hug, which Max gladly accepts.

     "It's nice to finally see you all here. I'm sorry I wasn't able to notice you guys because the lights were off earlier, but did you watch the presentation?" Max then asks them.

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