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AFTER THE PRIVATE CELEBRATION that occurred at the Sinclaire residence, Max drove off with his most trusted butler at the front of the car, his suitcase at the back of the trunk, while he sat in the middle, staring at the view outside the car window.

     Max reaches for his collar and instantly smiles when he realizes that there are brooches on them once again. Despite going to a different school all by himself, Max didn't feel empty at all. The leaders he conquered took the time to give their crown brooches back to him. They believe that Max will be able to finish this task successfully, and that's what he's gonna do.

     "You seem happy, Leigh. I thought you'd feel down since you're moving to a different school for a month," Étienne says, instantly making Max let go of his collar so he can look back at his butler through the rearview mirror.

     "Well, for starters, Keigo will still be there. And it's not like it's permanent," Max answers. "And besides, I got to see my friends before I left. Nothing could make me feel happier than that."

      Étienne looks back at his master and tries his best not to smile. He never thought that he'd ever see Max like this. Étienne has literally watched his young master grow from a baby to a young adult who can now stand for himself.

     In the past, when Luna was still alive, Max was a crybaby. He was quiet too, and always followed his mother's orders despite wanting to play like the kids his age. But when Luna died and when he lost his memory, he became distant and angry. He then got acquainted with the troublesome heir, Jontell Rosario, and things just escalated there.

     But after enrolling at J.S High, Max was now starting to change for the better. Étienne never expected that he'd see Max be himself and enjoy the life that he deserved after all the heartaches he had experienced in the past. If given a chance, Étienne would watch over his master forever and protect the smile he has on his face until his last breath. But for now, Étienne has to make sure the child he has taken care of continues to grow into a capable and honorable man.

     That's his only purpose.

     "Did you know, Étienne, my father is going to step down as chairman during the company's anniversary," Max suddenly blurts out, almost making Étienne step on the brakes because of how surprised he was by the news.

     "P-pardon me, master, but did I just hear you right? Did you just say that Master Denzel is—"

     "Yes, he's stepping down," Max repeats, and this time, Étienne hits the brakes in shock, instantly making Max lean forward, his face almost hitting the divider in front of him.

     "You nincompoop! What are you doing?" Max asks as he looks at his butler.

     "This can't be. Why would he do such a thing? After everything he's done," Étienne says instead, the words slipping out of his mouth before he could even realize what he had just uttered out loud.

     Max looks at his butler with suspicious eyes but decides not to interrogate him. After all, he's well aware that Étienne has secrets he doesn't wish to tell his master, and Max isn't gone force him to spill it out if he doesn't want to.

     "Anyway, I know you're surprised, but that's what he decided on. The old man said it was like a gift. Obviously, I have all rights to claim my inheritance as the heir of the company, but I feel like he meant something else. Like he's permanently going to...leave," Max explains, a sad expression appearing on his face again as he remembers the conversation they had earlier.

     Max has always hated his father, and most of that hate was because he cheated on his mother. He sees his father as this evil villain, but the more he regains his memories, the more he realizes that the only memories he has of his father are good ones. Was he really mad about the affair? Or was this hatred born from something else? Something that Max just doesn't remember?

Kings On The Horizon (Vol. 4-6) ✓Where stories live. Discover now