[Contains Volume 4-6]
There are different types of kids. There are kids who play around, kids who bury themselves in books, and then there are kids who have no other role but to make sure they don't ruin their family's name.
Heirs are expected to su...
"LOOK AT THIS THING. Whoever designed this battle ground is definitely a mad genius," Felix says with an impressed look on his face, especially since he also designs the bases for his brotherhood. Because of this, he can't help but stare at the metallic bridges, the water beneath them, and the single ladder that's found in the middle of the grounds.
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All the brotherhoods were now on the central island. Currently, they don't have a clue where their base would be, so they don't know where to run once the battle starts.
"Are you all ready?!" Mr. Coleman shouts, instantly making everyone cheer and the stadium erupt.
Everyone's heart was beating fast as they waited for the signal that would officially mark the beginning of the battle. But as they were all waiting, President Janus leaned towards Mr. Coleman and explained something to him, surprising the host.
"Oh my, brotherhoods, it looks like this battle ground is a lot more complex than you may think," Mr. Coleman says as the screen shows a top view of the grounds.
"As you can see, each base contains a metallic basket where you'll put your flags in, similar to the previous battle on Day 02. But in this round, once a member of yours successfully puts their flag down, they automatically have to exit the grounds," Mr. Coleman explains, which changes the game for a lot of them. This means if a brotherhood has already placed four flags down, only one member will be left on the battle grounds.
"There's another thing. As you may all know, you don't know where your base is at the moment. Well, according to President Janus, a hologram of your brotherhood logo will flash in a certain island or base for you to see," Mr. Coleman explains, making the brotherhoods sigh in frustration.
"Can they make this harder than it already is?" Brave then complains, and apparently, he spoke too soon because they did, in fact, make it harder than it already is.
"But there's a catch," Mr. Coleman says, and Krist hits Brave for jinxing it. "Every 2 minutes...the bases will change."
All the brotherhoods instantly started groaning in frustration as soon as they heard the new mechanics of the battle. Not only do they need to rush down these hanging bridges to get to their base, but it's also now possible that their base will change to a different location before they can even get close to it.
"They're not fucking around. I'll give them that," Killshot then tells his leader, Hee-joon, but Joon doesn't react at all since he already expected that the association would go full out regardless.
"Looks like that's the only additional information you'll need. Now, to all the students in other brotherhood houses watching, let the battles begin!" Mr. Coleman shouts again, instantly making everyone start cheering. Even the other students in the other lower houses were shouting in excitement.