225 | Crowning Ceremony

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THE ANNUAL BROTHERHOOD RERANKING has finally ended, both for the brotherhoods and the sisterhood. Now that the new ranks have been announced, all the groups have been summoned to the Sinclaire Stadium so they can officially claim their new titles.

     At the stadium, all the houses were present, from the six brotherhood houses to the six sisterhood houses. Even the members of each association were present. All the students were in the bleachers, while the middle area was occupied by the professors and the members of the 12 student councils. It was definitely a celebration.

     "Look at all these people!" Ari exclaimed, looking at the fully packed stadium.

     "Have you seen the press outside? There were dozens of them. The guards had to push them back because some were forcing themselves to get in," Ervin then replies.

      "But what I'm more surprised about is the fact that we own a stadium," Max then answers, instantly making Ervin and Ari look at each other, mentally telling each other the words, "Imagine not knowing you have a stadium with your name on it. It's definitely only a rich people problem."

     "Well, your uncle Janus Sinclaire is the president of the Brotherhood Association, and your aunt Janet Sinclaire is the president of the Sisterhood Association, so it would only be natural that they have something like this," Ari then explains.

     While the three of them were talking, Max noticed that a bunch of white uniforms from the other houses were stealing glances at him and whispering at each other. But what they were really staring at was his gold armband.

     "I don't remember doing anything crazy recently, so why are people looking at me?" Max asks, and Ervin and Ari turn their heads as well, noticing it too.

     "I guess it's because this is your first time to actually appear in front of everyone like this. The others are probably still surprised to actually see you in person wearing the white uniform," Ervin says, to which Ari nods his head to agree.

     "Well, besides achieving the gaffer title in your first year in J.S High, you're still pretty much a Sinclaire. And then there are all the achievements you've acquired so far. If I were them, I'd stare at you too," Ari then adds.

     "Then should I just—"

     "Guys!" Someone suddenly shouts, making Max, Ari, Ervin, ad even the other white uniforms look in the shouters' direction.

     Max and his friends weren't sure who it was, but when they turned their heads, they were surprised to see that it was actually their dear friend, Kawanishi Keigo, wearing St. George Academy's uniform.

     "I can't believe you're here!" Keigo shouts, running to his friends and grabbing them for a tight hug, making the rest of the white uniforms stare at them.

     Ari pushes Keigo away like the angsty teen that he is, worried that the other students would make fun of them, which is unlikely since they were a group of strong gaffers. No one would dare laugh at them even if they wanted to.

     "Keigo, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in your house?" Max then asks when they finally break free from the unexpected embrace.

     "Don't tell me that others are bullying you," Ervin asks next, which sounded more like an insult, but Ervin was actually worried. After all, Keigo was the "weaker" one in their group. They wouldn't be too thrilled if students from an entirely different school were stepping down on him.

     "No, don't worry about me. I've actually made a few friends on my first day," Keigo then explains, making his friends—even Ari—sigh in relief.

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