267 | Family Secret

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The chapter will be talking about sensitive topics and issues that might trigger sensitive readers. Please read responsibly and with caution. Thank you.

"HELP!" A SERF SHOUTED as soon as he arrived at Saints' Haven, which is the council's dormitory. President Justice was at the lobby with Secretary Perseus Odair, putting extra locks on the doors in case a brotherhood tries breaking in again.

     "What the hell is going on? If it's about the brotherhoods, we can't help. We already told you that," Perseus explains, closing the door before the serf can get in, but the serf stops it with his feet.

     "No, it's not about the brotherhoods. It's about Max," the serf finally says, making the two Saints look at each other with furrowed brows.

     "What happened?" Justice asks.

     "He's having an allergy attack!"

     Before anyone could say anything, the two officers wasted no time and followed the serf to their dorm. Justice was suspicious and cautious, but he was still worried. Perseus, on the other hand, was curious to see what this stunt was about. He was confident that Max was faking it to get something, but when they finally arrived at Hell Sanctum, they saw that Max's face was completely red. His eyes and lips were swollen, and he was already having a hard time breathing.

    "No way. He's not faking it?" Perseus asks in disbelief as Justice runs to Max, pushing the serfs who are surrounding him.

     "We were eating breakfast, and we didn't know that the fried rice had shrimp in it. We have to do something," Keigo says while holding onto Max's hand, Xander and Stefan standing behind him, are also worried.

     "Why haven't you brought him to the clinic?!" Justice scolds.

    "The clinic was completely trashed. There aren't even doctors there anymore," Stefan explains, making Justice curse.

     "How about an EpiPen? Does anyone have one?" Justice asks next, and the serfs shake their heads, making the president curse again.

     "Justice, this shouldn't even be our problem right now," Secretary Perseus suddenly interrupts. "Tons of students are getting beaten to death at this very moment. Someone's allergy attack shouldn't be our top priority. We need to get back to our dorm and—"

     "So you're just going to let him die?! We need to bring him to the hospital!" Xander then says, shocked that someone would even say such a thing.

     Perseus was about to say something to retaliate, but then Keigo dropped the bomb that instantly made the Saints' Secretary shut his mouth.

     "You're right, tons of students are getting beaten to death right now, but none of them is the sole heir to the Sinclaire and Lemieux family. If you let him die here because you refuse to bring him to the hospital then let's see what his family will feel about that," Keigo threatens, and the two officers finally give in.

    "Press the emergency button," Justice finally declares.

     Despite being suspicious about the whole thing, Perseus runs back to their office and hits the emergency button, which automatically opens the gates. The gates only open like this when students need to leave for the holidays, or when they need to evacuate. Opening this for a single student is definitely a big deal.

     The serfs helped carry Max to a van that had been heavily vandalized, but thankfully the wheels were still intact. Perseus drove the van, saying he should bring Max to the hospital personally. Keigo also came with them, while Justice stayed behind to make sure nothing happened on their campus.

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