173 | Greatest Desire

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GAVRIIL OPENS THE DOOR for Max and Keigo. The two went out of the car, and then they looked at the abandoned castle in front of them, surprised by the unexpected location.

     "Why did I ever think that we were going to some sort of restaurant, or like a regular social hall?" Keigo asks, staring at the structure with complete awe and disbelief.

     "Aren't you PHD's underling? Shouldn't you at least know this?" Max then asks, and Keigo immediately shook his head like he was afraid to admit it even though he really was a part of the Dynasties.

     "I was only given the position and that's about it. I don't usually sit around and chat with them you know? Like, have you seen the princes? They look like the type of guys who would shove you in a locker and dump you in a toilet," Keigo exclaims, making Max laugh because of how Keigo described them.

     While the two were still getting ready to enter the literal castle, Gavriil cleared his throat and patted their shoulders. "Are you two going to stand here all night or are you going inside? The princes are waiting for you after all."

     "You're right, we should head inside," Max replies, and Keigo took a deep breath and nodded his head to agree to it.

     "And how about you Gav? Are you coming with us?" Max then asks.

     "I can't enter because I didn't get an invite, but don't worry, I'll just stay out here and wait. You two should enjoy the banquet," Gavriil reassures him, and Max nods his head as he and Keigo finally entered the castle, both nervous and excited at the same time.

     Max and Keigo got close to the main entrance, and when they were only a few meters away from it, the large door opens, revealing a large hall that had a red carpet in the middle.

     The two couldn't help but stare at the interior since it looked like an interior of an old cathedral. The hall was also practically empty, but at the end of the red carpet was a long table, and in that long table sat 10 of the fearsome princes of J.S High, Pretty, Hot & Dangerous.

     PHD is the second strongest brotherhood among all the brotherhoods in the five houses. Max has only seen them battle once, and that was the time when they battled with Crazy 8. Max couldn't really tell how good all of them were since Hee-joon was literally the only one who moved at that time, but judging the way they all carry themselves, Max is a hundred percent sure that they're just as fearsome as their leader.

     The princes are in one brotherhood, but they are grouped into three: The Dangerous Five, the Pretty Duo, and the Hot Wingmen. The Dangerous Five are known to be the unit that does the troublesome tasks, or when Joon needs something to be done, they're the people for the job.

     The next one is Pretty Duo, and they're PHD's spokesperson as they seem to be the most sociable. The duo consists of Ren Adachi, one of the first brotherhood members that Max has encountered, and Akihiko Sakuraii.

     And then there are the Hot Wingmen, also known as Kim Hee-joon's most trusted members. They're his right hand and the ones who are with their leader most of the time. The two of them use the codename Killshot and Blade, so not a lot know about their real identity. Another thing that's terrifying about them is that Killshot was also part of the previous kings' C1A with Viktor, Krist, and the other current brotherhood leaders.

     Those are the nine members of PHD who have carried the title of prince with their powerful leader, Kim Hee-joon. Max hasn't really encountered them before, but he's not going to lie, he's quite excited to know more about this mysterious brotherhood.

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