274 | Final Plea

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SOMEONE WAS SUDDENLY KNOCKING on the door, making Janus Sinclaire remove his eyes from the screen of his computer. "Come in," he says, and the door starts to open, revealing a student in black uniform—a visitor that the school president did not expect to see at all.

     "Viktor?" Janus says as the leader of Busters, Viktor Alekovich Stepanov, enters the office with a serious look on his face, a look that you don't always associate when you mention Viktor.

     "What can I do for you?" Janus asks as the king approaches him.

     "How long have you known?" Viktor then asks.

     "What are you talking about this time?" Janus asks back, removing his eyeglasses and massaging his forehead. "I don't know why you suddenly came here and—"

      "Gavriil told me," Viktor interrupts, not letting Janus get a word out. "That man is loyal to only one person but there is someone else he will never be able to lie to and that is me. Now, I am fully aware that you have your own secrets and I have mine, but how long have you known that Lucas Ivory sold St. George Academy?" Viktor finally asks, and the question leaves the president completely stunned.


     "Don't fuck with me. There's no way you didn't know."

     Janus opens his mouth and tries to explain his side, but after some thought, he sighs and massages his temple. "Janet and I have been trying to fix this issue for years now. Do you seriously think I've been letting this happen?" he then reveals. 

     "I fucking knew it!" Viktor angrily shouted, startling Janus.

      "Why are you so upset? You've only cared about J.S High since the moment you arrived here and nothing else. The issue with St. George Academy has nothing to do with you or anyone here. I don't understand why you're acting like this," Janus answers, making Viktor sarcastically laugh this time.

     "I'm acting like this because you've been letting this happen for years! Why have you not fired Lucas Ivory? Why have you done nothing?!" Viktor continues to lash out.

     "Let me explain and I'll—"

     "You've always acted like you cared about your students but maybe they were right. Maybe you are just—"

     "We don't have enough evidence!" Janus finally shouted back while slamming his hands on his desk, which calmed Viktor down in an instant. When Janus realized that he had raised his voice, he took a deep breath and massaged his temple.

     "Viktor, St. George Academy is under the Brotherhood Association, which is led by me and four other people, as well as my sister Janet. If we make a move now without any documents or evidence that will prove Lucas Ivory did all this alone, who do you think will suffer more?" Janus asks, and Viktor no longer says anything.

     "The association will go down, along with the other four houses who did nothing wrong, and that includes J.S High. Now you tell me why I haven't done anything yet, Viktor Stepanov?" Janus continues to ask with a much more commanding voice, reminding Viktor whom he is speaking to.

     "I do not understand why you came here with so much hostility, and I can only guess it's because there is a student residing in that house now that you wish to protect, but you don't always fight in the frontline. There are a few things you need to sacrifice to save everything else. You should know this full well, Viktor," Janus then adds but with a much calmer voice this time, similar to a father scolding his son.

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