THE AUDITORIUM WAS FILLED with white uniforms and guests from different schools. Westberg Academy, a famous academy that had won multiple seasons of Mr. Brains & Brawn and other academic competitions, was on stage sharing some of the traditions and customs they have in their school.
Kingston Creed, who's a student of the said school, was handing out brochures while the other students from Westberg Academy were sharing their presentation on stage.
Everyone was enjoying their time, listening attentively so they could learn more about themselves. But while everyone was concentrating on the program, the doors to the auditorium suddenly opened.
No one really paid it any mind since the program was open for all, but when the following students made their appearance, people at the back started talking among themselves, making the others in the front start turning their heads as well.
Gaffers Ari Faulkner, Felix Campbell, and Ervin Walker, as well as tech genius Kawanishi Keigo, enters the Auditorium with serious expressions on their face. Right behind them was Max Sinclaire, whose appearance attracted everyone in an instant.
"What are they doing here?" One of the white uniforms asks.
"Are they investigating something here?"
"Is something going to happen? Should we leave?"
Everyone was well aware that every time Max would make his appearance, something was definitely bound to happen. But fortunately for them, as surprising as this may sound, this group of friends only came here to watch the program with everyone.
"Relax. We're only here as walk-ins," Ari suddenly announces when he notices that everyone is staring at them.
Felix awkwardly tried to hide his face while Ervin apologized for interrupting them. The five of them then took a seat at the very back so they wouldn't be able to distract the others.
The presenters on the stage stopped as well, but when Max and the others were able to find their seats, they continued on.
Kingston, who was busy handing out brochures that contained basic information about their school, glances at Max and decides to approach him.
Keigo—the pageant enthusiast—immediately notices him and starts hitting Ervin's shoulder because of excitement. "Guys! Kingston Creed is approaching us. Act cool," he then says, making his friends turn their heads to look at him.
When Kingston finally stopped where they were seated, Max decided to stand from his seat to show the guest his hand. "Kingston. It's great to see you again. It's been a while."
Kingston stares at Max's hand, but then he sighs and surprisingly shakes it. "I saw you last time when you welcomed the guests. It's hard to miss you because you're always seen everywhere."
Max smiles at the remark, finding it more of a compliment than an insult.
"Anyway, you're here to watch our presentation? Or did you just arrive early since Lincoln International is scheduled after us?" Kingston then asks, making Max chuckle this time.
"We're here to watch all the presentations. My friends decided that we enjoy today's convention. They're very persistent," Max answers.
"I get your friends, but you? You were a previous student at Westberg Academy. You don't really need to know anything about it."

Kings On The Horizon (Vol. 4-6) ✓
Jugendliteratur[Contains Volume 4-6] There are different types of kids. There are kids who play around, kids who bury themselves in books, and then there are kids who have no other role but to make sure they don't ruin their family's name. Heirs are expected to su...