224 | Day 05

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VIKTOR TAKES A DEEP breath, and then another, and then another. Hundred of students were cheering outside the barracks, waiting for the true king to appear before them.

     The battle between Clint Buffett of Cigarettes and Peter Uccello of Crazy 8 finished a few minutes ago, with Crazy 8 advancing to the next round. After their battle, Clint Buffett, the member of the losing team, battled Vanich Choen of Jokers. Though the battle showed a remarkable display of both brotherhood's strengths, a winner was eventually announced.

     "And the winner, and still your Counts, rank 5, Cigarettes!" Professor Gale announces, instantly making the crown turn wild.

     All the members of Cigarettes ran out of the barracks to grab Clint to congratulate him for taking their victory for them. While Van, who had a black eye, took a deep breath before smiling and clapping his hands to congratulate the winner. He really did want to win and rank up for his team, but of course, losing didn't mean he failed.

     "You did amazing, Van!" Someone then shouted, and Van turned around and saw the rest of the jesters running towards him to give him a tight hug as well. The rest of the members of Cigarettes also congratulated Van and the rest of the jesters, glad they were able to finish their battle with ease.

     "And still your Barons, rank 6, Jokers!"

     The rest of the black uniforms cheered as the members of Jokers lifted Van up so the others could see him better.

     Now that Barons and Counts have officially been announced, the battle resumed for the titles of Marquis and Duke. Peter Uccello of Crazy 8 battled with BND's Khian Augusto Zóbel de Ayala III. And despite the strength of both contenders, Khian won with both speed and strategy, advancing them to the next round.

     "BND will be advancing to the next round for the title of prince and king, while Crazy 8 will battle with the losing team later, so stay tuned."

     Before proceeding to the next battle between Crazy 8 and the team who will lose during the Revels' and Busters' round, Viktor prepared himself for their round first.

     A bunch of weapons was laid down for him, weapons that were from Busters' personal weapon stash. Viktor was given the chance to choose only one weapon, so knowing his capabilities, others assumed that he'd bring his gun. But while Viktor was staring at the table, he grabbed a different item instead. It was a silver dagger that had a blue gem in the middle. It was a dagger that was owned by Kim Hee-Joon himself. Before he left for the House of Kings yesterday, Joon left this behind at the stadium for Viktor, hoping Viktor would use this during his battle with the Revels.

     "Blood for blood," Viktor says as he gently kisses the dagger.

     "Now for the most awaited battle! Are you guys ready!?" Viktor hears from outside the dark barracks.

     "First, let us welcome the dark horses of this brotherhood reranking, the Pawn's pride, the Revels!" Gale then introduces, making Viktor clench his fist in anger.

     As the crowd cheered outside, Viktor adjusted his leather gloves before moving his head to crack his neck. He was ready for this battle. He was more ready here than in the battles he previously had in the past. And the way Viktor has been preparing for this specific battle has definitely made everyone anxious.

     "Now I know everyone has been dying to see this brotherhood battle live, so without further ado, let us give a warm welcome to the group who proposed the Brotherhood Customs, the brotherhood who held the king title for a total of three years, the conquerer of all...Busters!"

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