152 | Very First

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THIS WAS MAX'S VERY first field trip. When he was in his previous school, Max didn't attend it because he didn't have any friends at all. His classmates were also vocal about not wanting to have him join, so Max didn't show any interest in it.

     Max always thought that there was no point in going on a field trip because he could go anywhere in the world without any effort, but now that he's at J.S High with Ari and the others, Max finally understood why everyone's so excited about school trips. It's not really about the destination, but the journey and the memories you make with the people you're with.

     "Want some gum? My ears are always popping whenever I'm on a plane. The gum helps," Ervin says as he shows Max his pack of gum.

     Max, who was sitting beside the window in the plane, shakes his head as he answers, "I'm fine, thanks, Ervin."

     Ervin nods his head and hides his gum before looking at the other passengers who were sitting across them because he overheard them fighting. Unfortunately, the noisy passengers were their friends Ari and Felix, and then there's Gavriil who decided to just wear his earphones so he wouldn't be disturbed anymore.

     It seemed that Felix forced Ari to sit in the middle since he wanted to be near the window. Ari was against it because he didn't want to sit beside Gavriil.

     "Let's switch seats!" Ari practically begs.

     "Can you please just shut it, Mr. Faulkner? We're only going to be on this flight for an hour and a half so stop complaining," Ervin scolds, and Ari finally shuts up, pouting like a kid while crossing his arms.

     Thanks to their class adviser, Class 1-A were forced to sit beside the roommates to which they were assigned. This meant that sitting beside Ervin was none other than their new classmate, Kawanishi Keigo.

     "Is our class representative enemies with the vice president or something?" Keigo suddenly asks Ervin.

     "And why would you want to know that?" Ervin asks back with a low voice. He honestly didn't ask that to scare or intimidate him, but thanks to Ervin's strong aura, Keigo ended up flinching and looking away from him in complete terror.

     Ervin was confused by the reaction, but before he could ask anything to Keigo, Max taps his shoulder and suddenly tells him, "Do you have any snacks with you? My head hurts a little."

     "What? Did you not eat anything when we got here?" Ervin asks, and Max shakes his head as an answer.

     "I think they're going to serve us some snacks later. Can you wait, or do you want me to call the stewards?" Ervin then asks with a worried expression, and Max sighs and just rests his head on Ervin's shoulder instead.

     "It's fine," he says. "I wasn't able to eat breakfast, and I couldn't sleep well either. I thought I was having some sort of panic attack, but on the way to the airport, I realized that I was just overly excited. This is my first field trip after all."

     Ervin was surprised, but at the same time, he couldn't help but think how cute Max was. Who would have known that someone as powerful as Max would feel this way just because of a field trip?

     "Okay, just rest for now. I'll wake you up when the food is here," Ervin says, patting Max's head as Max slowly closed his eyes.

     When it looked like Max was falling asleep, Ervin quietly and gently took out a book from his bag so he could read in peace. Little did he know that someone beside him was staring at him and Max, wishing that it was their shoulder that Max was leaning on.

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