108 | The Promise

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NOTE: This is a continuation of Kings On The Horizon Vol. 1-3. If you have not read that book, head to my profile and start with that first before reading this. Thank you!

MAX STARES AT HIS white uniform that was neatly hung in front of him. He walks closer to it and touches the blue armband. Afterward, he touches the brooches that were pinned on the coat. One was the Sinclaire emblem that president Janus gave him. Next to it was a golden jester crown, and then a crown with three small diamonds which represented BND's three traits: honor, passion, and grace.

     Max went on to touch the newly added one, which was a crown that looked like flames. It was the crown brooch of rank 5 brotherhood, the Counts, Cigarettes.

     What happened yesterday at the Great Hall was something that none of them expected. Max thought that he had to make the counts bow to him in order to conquer them, but the truth was, the only thing that Max needed was to understand them.

     Cj wasn't going to bow to anyone, but if he was going to surrender anyway, it should be to someone who understood his intentions despite it being completely immoral and different from what Max believes is right.

     Max realized that it's not Cigarettes that have to change. The reason why J.S High is so disorganized is because of the white uniforms and the brotherhoods. JS High hasn't really done anything to prove themselves to other schools. Despite claiming to be one of the greatest, other schools look down on them, and Max experienced this firsthand during Mr. Brains and Brawn.

     The only way for Max to fully address such discrimination is if he can enter the Elites and become the president. Max has to have enough power to fix the system, and at the same time, help make the House of Kings a respectable name.

     Max already has plans on how he'll be able to do that. The problem now is how Max will be able to enter the Elites.

     The Elites contain the very best students of J.S High. They're the top five students that have an insane amount of achievements and points. Not only do you have to make a name for yourself while acquiring points that will surpass them, but you also have to break through the unbreakable top 10 and even the top 100 that mostly consist of fourth-year students. Max isn't even a gaffer like Ari yet, which only shows how far he still is from achieving his real goal.

     "Master Leigh," a voice suddenly calls out from outside Max's room.

     Max stares at his uniform one last time before walking towards the door to open it.

     Étienne, who was politely waiting outside, was surprised to see his master wearing a black turtle neck that was tucked in black checkered trousers, matched with leather shoes. Max definitely looked like he wasn't wearing that just to eat dinner downstairs.

     "I was supposed to call you for dinner but it seems like you have other plans," Étienne says as he looks at his master from head to toe.

     Max was about to open his mouth to answer his butler, but then he suddenly sees Marcus running towards them like there was some kind of emergency.

     "Max! We have a problem!" Marcus shouts, grabbing Max's arm. Before Max could even ask what it was about, Marcus suddenly starts dragging him downstairs, Étienne following right behind them.

     Max didn't know what the ruckus was about, but when they reached the first floor, Max sees five guards blocking the entrance of their mansion. Max pulls his arm away from Marcus and walks closer to see what the commotion was about. To his surprise, the person who's being blocked by the guards was none other than the vice president, Gavriil Ivanovich Alexeev.

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