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VIKTOR WAS HEADING BACK from the Hell Sanctum after speaking to Vesper. He wasn't sure what the results were regarding the implementation of the White Uniform Protection Code, so he rushed to the atrium so he could finally confirm if their hard work paid off or not.

     It's only been two weeks, but things have been completely unpredictable. There was the issue with the serfs and the tax collectors, and then there was the Archbishop and the Ministry. It seemed like problems would just keep piling up, but to their surprise, everything worked out in the end. They don't know how they did it, but they did.

     The heir could hear noise from afar as he continued to run back. But just as he was only inches away from the building, someone suddenly grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

     Viktor turned around and was surprised to see a familiar student wearing a white uniform. The man towered over him, and Viktor couldn't even move a muscle. Because the person standing in front of him was none other than Busters' third strongest king, the Destroyer, Ervin Walker.

   "You're coming with me," Ervin suddenly says, grabbing Viktor's arm and dragging him to what seems to be a black van that's parked just outside the atrium.

     "What the fuck are you doing, you son of a bitch? Let me go!" Viktor shouted as Ervin continued dragging him.

    With his efforts wasted, Ervin was able to drag the heir, shoving him inside the van that was completely covered. When Ervin closed the door, everything was pitch black.

    "What the fuck is going on?! Let me out of here or I'm gonna chop your dicks off!" Viktor continued to shout.

    "If you don't shut up, I'm gonna punish Vice President Hee-Joon on your behalf," another familiar voice says, making Viktor stop struggling.

     Soon after, lights turned on, revealing Busters' second strongest king and their leader's right-hand man, Aristotle Faulkner, wearing his infamous black uniform. But what really surprised Viktor was the man sitting beside Ari. His presence was suffocating, and undeniably intimidating. Viktor could tell who it was from a mile away. Because the man with the strong presence was none other than the king of all kings, Maximilian Leigh Sinclaire.

    "It's been a while, white uniform," Max says with a serious tone, staring at Viktor who instantly glared at him.

    "Leigh..." Viktor says as he clenches his fist. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

    "Your language is always so colorful. Can you even form a sentence without any profanities?" Max sarcastically says, but Viktor only ignores his little comment.

    Max chuckles and looks back at Ari before telling him, "Leave us for now. I want to speak to him privately."

    "Gotcha. But what are we supposed to do with that new brotherhood led by Felix Campbell? They said he's the Master of Publicity," Ari says, making Max sigh.

     "We'll handle him later. For now, join Ervin outside," Max says, and Ari nods before finally heading out.

    As soon as the door closes, Viktor pulls out a knife from his boots and points it at Max, but Max is faster. He already had his gun pointing at Viktor's forehead before the heir could even do anything.

    "Still slow," Max says, annoying Viktor even more.

    "What do you want?" Viktor then asks, putting his knife down in defeat.

    Max did the same, hiding his gun before saying, "You were transferred here, and I even sent my third strongest just so you can finish your task of helping PHD but what have you been doing? Gavriil is still stuck here. You're slow...you've always been slow. You've wasted your time helping these students who don't give two fucks about you. It's foolish."

     "Oh shut up. Just because the Lemieux family was wiped out, that doesn't mean you have to be so fucking bitter," Viktor suddenly fires back.

     The side of Max's mouth twitches, but he tries his best to ignore the sensitive comment.

     "You haven't changed at all, Stepanov. That's why you're still in the same spot that I left you in. Ian would have been disappointed. He died for a fool like you," Max fires back instead. And despite starting this petty argument himself, Viktor got mad.

     "I don't know what you came here for, but I know what I'm doing. If you think I'm only wasting my time then why not transfer here and do everything yourself? Let's see if you can do half of what I've achieved in this school."

     As soon as Viktor said those words, Max became quiet. But after a while, he started laughing, making Viktor even more annoyed.

     "Always so short-tempered," Max says before throwing something in Viktor's direction.

    "What's this?" Viktor asks before looking down at his hand to find a silver flash drive.

    "That might help. You don't know what I did to get a hold of that so make it worth it. I'm not going to be patient any longer. If this Exchange Program ends and Gavriil is still not by my side, don't even dare go back to J.S High. Janus Stepanov might be your uncle, but he owes me a lot. Remember that," Max warns, and Viktor no longer gives him a witty comment.

    "You may leave..." Max then says, and the door to the van finally opens, making Viktor squint because of the harsh light.

    Viktor steps out without any hesitation. But before closing the door, he looks back at Max and says with his usual playful grin, "Hey, admit it, you only came here because you missed me."

    "Go fuck yourself," Max answers with a serious and disgusted expression, instantly making Viktor laugh out loud.

     "For a king, he's so boring. If I was in his position I would make things hella fun. But whatever, it's not like we can just switch lives. That would be total absurdity!" Viktor says to himself before finally heading back to the atrium to check on the results.

- END -

Hello, everyone!

To those who didn't realize it, this was obviously for April Fool's Day! I wanted to make a quick chapter like this, mostly for pure enjoyment. I felt like in another dimension, this is how things were.

Anyway, this was supposed to be deleted but it seems like a few of you enjoyed it so it's staying! lol I hope you were somehow still fooled by how strange this was.

Thank you and see you on the ACTUAL update 😊


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