272 | Interrogate

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"WHAT DO YOU KNOW about the Ministry?" Stefan asks while staring at the Tax Collector, Matthias, who is tied in a chair, his body covered in sweat because of how much he was struggling earlier.

      "You were personally chosen by the Ministry to become one of their dogs, so it's obvious that you know what they've been up to," Stefan continues despite Matthias completely ignoring him. "I'm certain that you know their connection with Klyde Vitus Von Hatzfeld as well."

    "If you think I'm going to tell you anything then you're delusional," Matthias answers as he slowly looks up at Stefan. "Who are you even? You're just a serf who was chosen as a leader by weak white uniforms who can't speak for themselves. This will be your only moment. Once the Ministry finds a solution, you're all dead," Matthias dared say, not even scared that he was alone in a dorm that was filled with students who despised him.

     One word and the serfs would definitely beat him with no hesitation, especially after all the hardships they've experienced because of their Tax System.

    "Who am I? Is that really what you're asking me right now?" Stefan asks, taking a step closer to the collector. "It's a shame. You ask who I am as an insult, not knowing that your lack of knowledge about the people around you is embarrassing in itself. You shouldn't talk big either. You would be nothing without the Ministry standing behind you, so if you think I will be threatened then you're mistaken," Stefan answers with no hint of fear in his eyes either, making Max—who was standing near the door—smile at him proudly.

     Stefan Kross might have started as another 'zombie' who basically didn't care about everything that happened to their house or their system, but he was the most outspoken out of all of them, which is why they chose him as their division's leader. Stefan wants to prove to everyone that they chose the right serf to represent them. And with everything that happened, he's doing a pretty good job. Out of all the divisions, the serfs have been the most coordinated thanks to his guidance.

     Like Xander who's starting to come out of his shell, and Vesper who's now considered the Serfs' official guard, Stefan is beginning to make a name for himself as well, so he won't let someone like Matthias disrespect him like that.

     "You're acting all tough now because I'm tied up. I'm sure you wouldn't even say anything if I wasn't," Matthias presses on with a smug look on his face.

     "Well, that's fortunate for me then," Stefan says, smiling now. "You won't be able to fight back, just like what you guys did to us serfs, tied us down and left us for dead. But now the tables have turned, which gives me more reason to do something like this.." Stefan clenched his fist and was about to throw a punch at Matthias's face, making the collector close his eyes in a panic.

     Matthias felt cold air brush his face, and when he opened his eyes back, he found Stefan's fist stopping just inches away from the tip of his nose. He then turns to Max who was holding his laughter, which pissed him off even more.

     "Now who's acting tough now?" Stefan asks, making Matthias grit his teeth in irritation.

     "Well, I warmed him up for you now, Max. The floor is yours," Stefan says as he looks at the heir who has been waiting for his turn. Max smiles and nods his head before taking a step forward so he can stand in front of the tax collector this time.

     "I'm not the type to interrogate people, but I do know how to get the answers that I need," Max says, carefully adjusting the brooches on his collar before looking back at Matthias. 

     "Who did the Ministry sell the school to?" Max finally asks.

     "I don't know shit," Matthias answers, which was something that Max and Stefan already expected to hear.

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