[03] eeny meeny miney mo

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eeny meeny miney mo

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( crush; pt. i )

As Mars and Elle enter their form room, the bell sounds off overhead, leaving a ringing in Marcie's ears

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As Mars and Elle enter their form room, the bell sounds off overhead, leaving a ringing in Marcie's ears. She pays it no mind, knowing it'll fade eventually, and with her arm looped with Elle's free one that isn't holding her pink folder, asks, "You don't have any plans for half term, do you?"

Elle looks over to her, seeing the girl's eyes lighting up in expectancy and hope. She gives a smile and a shake of her head. "No, why?"

Shrugging her shoulders with fake disinterest, Mars opens her mouth to reply, interrupted by Tara as she approaches the two. "Elle, you dropped your pencil case."

Mars takes her arm from Elle's before putting her bag down beside the table Both girls stand behind their seats as Tara holds out the blue pencil case. "Oh." Elle gratefully takes the pencil case. "Thanks, Tara."

"It's really cute," she compliments. "Where's it from?"

"Uh, Paperchase, but I painted all the little flowers on it." Elle turns her pencil case slightly, showing off the multi—coloured flowers.

Tara looks surprised at the information and it becomes evident in her tone of voice. "Really? That's so cool. I can barely draw stick figures."

"The only thing I can draw are eyes," Mars inputs into the conversation, fixing her coat on the back of her chair.

The attention falls to her when Tara looks over, nodding her head with her hand motioning to her. "I've noticed the doodles."

Mars doesn't know why the sudden insecurity begins to find a home in her body. Maybe it's because someone's noticed her drawings ( albeit the only drawings she does ) and whilst Tara had only said it in an informative way, she can't help but suddenly think that all her art skills have gone to waste. She gives a small smile, clicking her tongue and pointing her finger to Tara. "They're at the back of my books for a reason."

"No, they're good," she compliments in return, sincerity bleeding out. "Like, really good."

"Oh." Marcie doesn't know what to do with the compliment, having never been good with them. "No, it's more so I don't get in trouble."

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