[13] birthday bowling

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birthday bowling

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( friend; pt. ii )

Pulling up at the building, Mars plays with the ring holder on the back of her phone case nervously, head slightly lowered to look at the whole building through the car window

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Pulling up at the building, Mars plays with the ring holder on the back of her phone case nervously, head slightly lowered to look at the whole building through the car window. Her face threatens to build a smile when she sees Reggie waiting outside the arcade, most likely having received her message that she was three minutes out.

When the car slows to a stop, Mars opens the door, stepping out with a thanks to her mum before she heads over to Reggie, filled with energy that implores her to hug him. So she does. It's quick, a hug only in greeting, but it's still a hug. Reggie smiles at her, hands dropping from the sides of her shoulders before he looks up to Mrs Lipton's car, seeing her holding up something as she leans across the passenger's side. He nods over. "Uh, I think your mum wants you for something."

Mars turns around to see her mum holding up the bag and the reminder goes off in her mind, making her jog back over to the car, window rolled down by the time she gets there. Her mum reaches a little further, Mars saving her the trouble and taking the present before she strains herself.

"When should I pick you up?" Pamela asks once the gift bag is out of her hold.

"Uh—" Mars glances over to Reggie. "—I don't know. I'll text you when I do."

Her mum nods, sitting back in her seat. "Okay, make sure it's not last minute, please."

"Aye, aye." Mars smiles to her mum, giving a two fingered salute and starts walking backwards before the passenger side window rolls up, which at that point she turns around.

Reggie and Marcie fill up the short walk to the arcade with small talk, snippets of how revision's going and how Lloyd is, Mars taking the opportunity to ask if Charlie would like her present. The invitation for the party wasn't short notice, but she would've appreciated it sooner only so she could've had more time to find Charlie a birthday present.

Inside the arcade, her attention goes immediately to the starred flooring, the pattern repeated across the entire room, an entire arcade section hiding the bowling alleys behind it. Reggie leads her over to the shoe counter, Mars offering waves to Charlie, Elle, Tao, and Isaac who are all gathered around one of the bowling alleys. They all wave back.

"Hi, what sizes you guys need?" the employee, who's name reads Scott, asks.

"Nine, please," Reggie states, looking to Mars.

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