[17] milkshake dates

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milkshake dates

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( girls; pt. iii )

"Ooh, look who it is," Tara teases, leaning in closer towards Marcie with a mischievous smile

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"Ooh, look who it is," Tara teases, leaning in closer towards Marcie with a mischievous smile.

Marcie looks over, a smile greeting Reggie before she buries her head in her shoulder, embarrassed. "Shut up," she mumbles, followed by the small laughter from Tara and Darcy at her reaction.

Unlooping her arms from her friends, Mars walks over to her boyfriend with her cheeks tinged with rose. They meet halfway, Reggie's hands in the pockets of his coat and Marcie's laced together in front of her.

"Hi," Reggie greets, his smile growing as he keeps his eyes on her.

"Hi," Marcie greets back. She looks down at her shoes before looking back up. "You know you don't have to watch the concert if you don't want to."

Reggie winces with an enthusiasm that displays his sarcasm. "Oh, this is awkward. I'm not watching it for you." Marcie's mouth curls in a small smile before her teeth grip her bottom lip, trying to hide it. Whenever the topic of the recital came up between the two, he would tell her about how he couldn't wait to watch her play. "I'm watching it for West. Oh, and Charlie."

She glances down at her feet before looking up at him with her head tilted. His smile softens as he looks at her. "I'm not being forced, okay?" he tells her, his voice gentle. "I wanna watch my awesome girlfriend play her awesome violin and kill it."

Unsurely, Mars reaches forward, reaching into the pocket of Reggie's jacket and taking his hand from inside. Holding it between her two hands, she puts his under her chin, looking up at him. "Thanks," she says softly, grateful for the compliment. "What's your favourite milkshake flavour?"

"Well, I can bet yours is vanilla," Reggie jokes.

Mars opens her mouth in offence, dropping his hand from under her chin as sass leaks into her tone. "Actually, it's strawberry, thank you very much."

"Okay, do you ever play film music?" Tao asks, looking between the orchestra girls.

"Yeah," Tara answers. "Sometimes."

"I can play the Imperial March and the Game of Thrones intro on my violin," Mars adds, getting shocked looks from the table. She glances around, pressing her lips together at the attention as she sips on her milkshake.

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