[06] a flurry of invitations

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a flurry of invitations

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( kiss; pt. i )

"Do you wanna go to Harry Greene's party with me?" Mars asks after a few moments of silent thought

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"Do you wanna go to Harry Greene's party with me?" Mars asks after a few moments of silent thought.

Reggie shakes his head, looking over to her. "Loud noises out of my control make me feel. . ." His mouth twists as he tries to think of the right words. He eventually secedes with a shrug. "Make me feel. . . weird."

"Yeah, fair enough." Marcie nods, glancing over to him.

"Why are you going to Harry Greene's party anyway?" Reggie asks.

"Well, it's a party," she replies with a shrug. "Which makes me sound like I enjoy parties—"

"Wait," Reggie interrupts with a laugh. "Why are you going then?"

"Let me finish." Mars blinks at him, scoffing in offence before a smile grows, telling Reggie that she's only messing with him. "I don't like parties because I've never really been friends with the people I've gone with or hung out with there. But this time I've got actual friends to go with."

Now it's Reggie's turn to act offended. He looks away from Mars in over dramatic fashion, crossing his arms. "Oh, I see. Guess I'm not a friend then."

Mars hits her shoulder against his, her hand slapping his coat sleeve. "That is not what I meant and you know it," she tuts, shaking her head.

"No, I'm serious," his playful tone continues to make itself obvious. "If you don't want to be friends with me then tell me. Right here, right now. Come on."

"I don't wanna be friends," Mars tells him in a deadpan voice, shrugging for added effect. Reggie gives a singular nod before he jumps off the wall, walking away. "Where the hell are you going?"

"To find my actual friends," he shouts back, not turning around, continuing his pace.

"Oh, you idiot," she grumbles to herself, jumping off the wall, leaving her bag on the floor as she chases after him.

She catches up, jumping as she puts her arms around his neck. He falls backwards slightly as her feet hit the ground, short stature pulling him down. He pulls her forwards, lifting her in the air for a second before he leans back, dropping her back down as he disconnects her hands from each other, freeing himself. She stumbles and he turns around quickly, her fingers squished in his hands as he grabs onto her, making sure she's steady. He tries to hide his laugh, unsuccessfully hiding his smile. "You okay?"

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